Cainiao has officially launched the

Cainiao has officially launched the "Campus Carbon Asset Management System" in collaboration with nearly a hundred universities, allowing teachers and students to promptly check carbon reduction behaviors

On November 11th, the reporter learned that Cainiao, in collaboration with nearly a hundred universities across the country, has officially launched the "Campus Carbon Asset Management System". It has been successively implemented in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sichuan University, Tianjin University, Hangzhou Normal University, and other universities...

Responding to the elderly meal assistance service action, are you hungry? Collaborate with Blue Horse Jia to teach the elderly to order meals on their mobile phones in the community

Responding to the elderly meal assistance service action, are you hungry? Collaborate with Blue Horse Jia to teach the elderly to order meals on their mobile phones in the community

In response to the Elderly Meal Assistance Service Action, as the Double Ninth Festival approaches, Hungry Home has joined forces with the "Blue Horse Jacket" Elderly Assistance Public Welfare Action pilot to teach elderly people to use mobile phones to order meals online in the community. The first stop of the event was located in East China Normal University Village, Changfeng Street, Shanghai...

Do you know that your phone is being monitored by big data? Don't want privacy leaks? Teach you to turn off the monitoring switch

Do you know that your phone is being monitored by big data? Don't want privacy leaks? Teach you to turn off the monitoring switch

In this era of big data, mobile phones have become the most crucial tool for people to access information, but this tool is inseparable from us,They are constantly monitoring us.Everyone must have encountered it before, and casually said, "It's cooling down, I want to buy some autumn jackets...

Dig and dig,

Dig and dig, "Teacher Huang began to bring goods! 5 live broadcasts with sales exceeding one million and nearly 50000 followers lost

Remember to sing a 'dig dig dig' nursery rhymeIs Mr. Huang, who is popular on the internet?She gained nearly 8 million followers within 5 monthsIt also sparked many netizens to imitateRecently, she launched a live streaming sales modeTeacher Huang starts live streaming sales:Music classes have been taught all alongAccording to data, Teacher Huang has aired a total of 5 shows in the past 30 days, with an average of 5...

Hot News |

Hot News | "Dig! Dig!" Teacher Huang starts bringing goods! 5 live broadcasts with sales exceeding one million

Remember to sing a 'dig dig dig' nursery rhymeIs Mr. Huang, who is popular on the internet?She gained nearly 8 million followers within 5 monthsIt also sparked many netizens to imitateRecently,She began to live stream her merchandise and attracted widespread attention...

The first

The first "Made in Hefei" quantum computer VR teaching experience system has been released

The reporter learned today from the Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center that the first quantum computer VR teaching experience system has been released, allowing people to gain a deeper understanding of quantum technology, understand the state evolution of quantum bits, and personally build quantum computers.Quantum computing technology, as a futuristic technology, is attracting more and more people to understand this emerging development direction through various means such as quantum simulators and online tools...

Where did the money go? The demolition cost of a national heavy construction project at a certain college of Xi'an Jiaotong University has to be borne by teachers

Where did the money go? The demolition cost of a national heavy construction project at a certain college of Xi'an Jiaotong University has to be borne by teachers

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

A science popularization that combines teaching with travel, and a classroom that combines learning with action

A science popularization that combines teaching with travel, and a classroom that combines learning with action

People's Daily | Author Wang Yunna, Song Haoxin, Guan Xuanyue, Cao WenxuanFigure 2: Tourists watch the rocket launch in Qishui Bay, Longlou Town, Wenchang, Hainan. Photographed by Wang Chenglong (People's Vision)Curiosity is human nature, and the guidance and cultivation of scientific interest should start from children, so that they can learn more about scientific knowledge, master scientific methods, and form a large group of young people with the potential of scientistsIn recent years, the social atmosphere of loving and advocating science has become increasingly strong, which has also been reflected in the cultural and tourism consumption market...

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yetThe popularity and convenience of mobile phones have made them an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, sometimes we may not want to answer certain calls, but we do not want to take extreme shutdown or blackout actions...

Is a curved screen better or a straight screen better? Insiders teach you how to make a choice when purchasing a new phone

Is a curved screen better or a straight screen better? Insiders teach you how to make a choice when purchasing a new phone

Curved and direct facing screens have always been controversial topics in mobile phone design. With the continuous development and popularization of technology, hardware manufacturing technologies such as cameras, CPUs, memory, and batteries are relatively stable and difficult to attract consumers' attention again...

Astronaut Chen Dong has been undergoing closed training for 6 years, and the teacher has published a newspaper to search for and give birth to twin boys with his wife

Astronaut Chen Dong has been undergoing closed training for 6 years, and the teacher has published a newspaper to search for and give birth to twin boys with his wife

In 2016, the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft won the sky. After the fairing was thrown away, the commander Jing Haipeng asked Chen Dong:Are you feeling goodCurious about the vast starry sky, Chen Dong couldn't conceal his excitement and loudly replied:CoolAt that time, Chen Dong was still a novice in exploring the universe...

One article teaches you to understand the working principle of the GPT model

One article teaches you to understand the working principle of the GPT model

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