How many of Huawei's top ten lies do you believe?

How many of Huawei's top ten lies do you believe?

Huawei, a Chinese technology giant, has achieved remarkable achievements in the global market in recent years and has also encountered unprecedented challenges. From the U...

Apple 4G patent infringement case rejected in UK appeal faces $7 billion in compensation

Apple 4G patent infringement case rejected in UK appeal faces $7 billion in compensation

On July 5th, according to foreign media reports, the British appeals court rejected Apple's appeal, claiming that Apple's iPhone and iPad devices violated two 4G communication patents of the US patent company Optis. Therefore, Apple still needs to pay $7 billion in compensation...

Nokia and Apple Sign Long Term Patent License Agreement

Nokia and Apple Sign Long Term Patent License Agreement

Bloomberg News on July 1st, Nokia stated that it has signed a new patent cross licensing agreement with Apple, which will replace the current patent license, and the relevant terms remain confidential. Nokia is expected to recognize revenue related to this agreement starting from January 2024...

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

@The Tencent WeChat team has just released the latest statement on the issue of university fee rates:Several universities announced to stop WeChat Pay from July 1, and Tencent respondedRecently, many universities across the country announced that WeChat Pay will be suspended from July 1.In the afternoon of June 29, when the reporter opened the official website of Northwest University, Northwest University said that, because Tencent WeChat Pay will carry out fine management on campus scene users, except for tuition fees, other charges will be limited and 0...

Tencent Games Releases

Tencent Games Releases "Summer Play Restriction Arrangements" to Strictly Limit Games Time for Minors

[Global Network Science and Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 29, Tencent and other domestic game manufacturers collectively issued a "Notice on the Limitation of Juvenile Games in Summer". In combination with relevant requirements and actual holiday arrangements, juvenile users can only log in to experience the game between 20 and 21 p...


COVID-19 "laboratory leakage theory" This bowl of cold rice is rotten

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found Direct evidence to show that COVID-19 originated from Wuhan Virus Research Institute...

The copyright of AI generated content is not clearly defined

The copyright of AI generated content is not clearly defined

Intern journalist Pei Chenwei, reporter of our newspaper Wu ChunxinSince OpenAI launched the generative large language model ChatGPT, generative artificial intelligence has emerged endlessly both domestically and internationally. One of the most concerning issues is whether artificial intelligence generated content (AIGC) has copyright?"The object of copyright protection is works...

The Bernabeu and Bird's Nest are among the ten most distinctive sports venues in the world selected by artificial intelligence.

The Bernabeu and Bird's Nest are among the ten most distinctive sports venues in the world selected by artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It is one of the most advanced models in the field of Natural language processing...

Pamela's exclusive content has become popular, and Keep's online courses have exploded

Pamela's exclusive content has become popular, and Keep's online courses have exploded

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On screen, Pamela swung her hair and made her final move, bouncing and waving goodbye to the user. The "AI" fitness blogger even kept her makeup and hair neat...

Tmall APP will launch a 3D content platform called

Tmall APP will launch a 3D content platform called "Cat Enjoy Mainland"

On June 9th, Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report reported that the mobile Tmall App recently announced that it will launch the first 3D content platform in China, "Cat Enjoy Mainland", positioned as a 3D open world that integrates 3D shopping, entertainment, culture and tourism, and interaction, providing brand merchants with a new platform for content.At the same time, the mobile Tmall app has been upgraded and 3D content has been fully updated...

The 'female' robot is coming! Male customer experience: satisfaction rate up to 98%, internal structure brightened

The 'female' robot is coming! Male customer experience: satisfaction rate up to 98%, internal structure brightened

With the continuous development of technology, artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular, and the application of robots has also become increasingly widespread.Not long ago, a product called "Women" robot quietly appeared in the market and attracted widespread attention...

A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

A recent photo of 51-year-old Ma Huateng was exposed, his body was extremely thin, his lips were white, and his eyes were lifeless like AI

The meaning of writing cannot be traced back to historyEditor | Unscrutableprefaceas forMa Huateng's name is well-known to everyone. He is a famous entrepreneur in China and also the founder of Tencent,He is naturally highly regarded in our daily lives, but he has always been relatively low-key, and naturally his photos are rarely circulated on the internet...