Strive to be the leader of

Strive to be the leader of "double carbon", Shanghai Electric appeared at the Carbon Expo with four innovative products of "scenery hydrogen storage"

Achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality is of great significance for China to achieve high-quality development and comprehensively build a socialist modernized power. Since China proposed carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals in 2020, reducing carbon emissions has become a consensus among all sectors...


The "splitting" phonon exhibits quantum properties

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Zhang Jiaxin) A few days ago, a team led by Professor Andrew Cleland of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) of the University of Chicago used a device called an acoustic beam splitter to "split" phonons, thereby demonstrating their quantum properties. They demonstrated that beam splitters can be used to induce a special quantum superposition state of a phonon and further generate interference between two phonons...

Australian scientists have developed a new type of titanium alloy using 3D printing

Australian scientists have developed a new type of titanium alloy using 3D printing

According to Xinhua News Agency, Sydney, June 11 (Reporter Hao Yalin), scientists from University of Sydney, Australia, Royal Melbourne University of Technology and other institutions have developed a new type of titanium alloy through unique alloy design and 3D printing technology. The new research provides a feasible method for more sustainable manufacturing of high-performance titanium alloys, which can be widely used in aerospace, biomedical, Chemical engineering, national defense, clean energy and other fields...

Foreign media: Toshiba suggests that shareholders support the acquisition offer led by JIP

Foreign media: Toshiba suggests that shareholders support the acquisition offer led by JIP

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn June 9th, according to foreign media reports, Toshiba Corporation of Japan recently stated that its board of directors has decided to recommend shareholders to accept the acquisition offer proposed by a consortium led by "Japan Industrial Partnership" (JIP).According to the previous report, the JIP led consortium's acquisition amount of Toshiba was about 2 trillion yen...

The Optical module industry sets sail in the AI wave

The Optical module industry sets sail in the AI wave

(Optical Module)ChatGPTAILightcounting202617620212026CAGR13.85%21...

Will Foxconn be replaced by India's Tata? Tata assembles 85% of Apple phone components from China?

Will Foxconn be replaced by India's Tata? Tata assembles 85% of Apple phone components from China?

This article is over 2100 words in total and takes 7 minutes. Readers are patient to read...

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Jay Chou - sunny day_ 20231917136. mp34:29From the Science and Technology New Knowledge MuseumThis article is original, please do not plagiarize or move, violators will be held accountableIn order to do business in China, American chip companies took great pains to launch special A800 and H800 chips to fill the order of high-end GPU chips that cannot be shipped...

Rising Community: Court Approval to Freeze US Assets of Coin An

Rising Community: Court Approval to Freeze US Assets of Coin An "Pending Confirmation" Bitcoin Falls Nearly 26000

On Thursday (June 8th) in the Asian market, Bitcoin's short-term momentum remained volatile and downward, with the currency price dropping to $26338. The US media reported overnight that the List of courts of the United States had approved the freezing of US assets, but it was later changed to "to be confirmed", and the official did not provide further information updates...

Kind of disrespectful of martial arts, with a price reduction of 980 yuan for 16G+512G, and OPPO not limited to details

Kind of disrespectful of martial arts, with a price reduction of 980 yuan for 16G+512G, and OPPO not limited to details

If the demand for changing phones is not so urgent, I actually suggest that everyone consciously wait for the opportunity and take a look at products that have been significantly reduced in price and cleared before starting, so that they can buy better products with less money.Due to the fast update speed of Android phones, many phones will start clearing inventory within six months to a year, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by new devices and eventually accumulate unsold inventory...

Reddit expects to lay off 5% of its workforce and reduce its recruitment plan for this year

Reddit expects to lay off 5% of its workforce and reduce its recruitment plan for this year

On June 8th, according to foreign media reports, Reddit is laying off about 5% of its workforce and adjusting its recruitment planReddit CEO Steve Hoffman stated that the company has approximately 2000 full-time employees and the layoffs will involve approximately 90 people, with the aim of streamlining the workforce.In addition, as part of the adjustment strategy, Reddit will also reduce its recruitment plan from 300 new positions to 100...

The first flower in the world or pollinated by insects

The first flower in the world or pollinated by insects

Science Popularization BaseScience and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 7 (Reporter Liu Xia) Flowering plants appeared on the earth about 145 million years ago. What helped pollinate these earliest flowering plants? Australian scientists published a research paper in the New Botanist magazine on the 5th, stating that the world's first flower may have been pollinated by insects, and that approximately 86% of flowering plants in history have relied on insect pollination...

Why is nurse Wu Chunyuan so arrogant when she earns billions of profits from Apple by selling small parts?

Why is nurse Wu Chunyuan so arrogant when she earns billions of profits from Apple by selling small parts?

Dear friends, could you please use your hands to make a fortune and click on the attention in the upper right corner? Your support is my greatest motivation!The Bamboo Slips of YuanxiEditor | Bamboo Slips in YuanxiShe came from a nursing background but became the richest person in Shenzhen,,Earn over 10 billion yuan annually from Apple.Some even claim that:,...