Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? In July 2023, the news of a "new discovery of the Zhurong spacecraft" really caught the eye of many people. Has the Chinese Zhurong rover, which has been silent on Mars for a year, started a new job?At first glance, this is really good news...

Apple finally awakens! The new features of iOS 17 are about to be launched, netizens: Finally, there's no need to envy Android

Apple finally awakens! The new features of iOS 17 are about to be launched, netizens: Finally, there's no need to envy Android

Follow first, then read the article!Hello everyone, I am Xiao AThe Apple launch event is approaching, and the latest iPhone 15 has almost been hacked. Recently, it was reported that Apple's IOS 17 system will be launched along with the iPhone 15 launch event, and some netizens have been envious of the features of the Android system...

Wake up with four good news, major breakthroughs in domestic artificial intelligence, and emerging achievements in multiple fields

Wake up with four good news, major breakthroughs in domestic artificial intelligence, and emerging achievements in multiple fields

(The headline of this article is strictly prohibited from being moved, and full network rights protection has been activated)If you like it, you can click on the word "Follow" above. Pay attention to the development of Chinese technology together!When I woke up, I saw four good news in the field of domestic technology and artificial intelligence...