Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors in talks to pour $3 billion into Elon Musk's AI startup xAI in new funding round that could value it at $180 billion

Investors are in talks to help Elon Musk's artificial intelligence (AI) startup xAI raise $3 billion in a new funding round that would value the company at $180 billion, according to a report on April 7 by a foreign media outlet. Key Players Venture capital firms Gigafund and Steve Jurvetson are reportedly among the backers considering participating in the funding round...

The first research result of Musk xAI is released! Founder member Yang Ge& Jointly created by alumni from Yaoban

The first research result of Musk xAI is released! Founder member Yang Ge& Jointly created by alumni from Yaoban

Xifeng Fish and Sheep Originating from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAIMusk's xAI, the first publicly available research result has arrived!One of the common works is a founding member of xAI and a disciple of Qiu Chengtongyoung (GregYang).young xAIMath for AIAI for Math...