
The "Wukong", "Dingchuan Shenzhen", and "Xinghai 1000"... Nearly a hundred scientific research achievements of the Harbin Project have been unveiled at the World Navigation Equipment Conference

China Youth Daily Client News (Gu Xuejinsheng, China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Meng Peipei) On October 12, "Sun Wukong", who is over 2 meters tall, appeared at the exhibition halls of universities and research institutions at the 2023 World Navigation Equipment Conference and World Navigation Equipment Expo, attracting many visitors to stop.This is the "Wukong" unmanned underwater vehicle developed by Harbin Engineering University...

360 founder Zhou Hongyi: The real obstacle to the implementation of large models is how to achieve safety and usability

360 founder Zhou Hongyi: The real obstacle to the implementation of large models is how to achieve safety and usability

Zhou HongyiCover News Reporter Lei Qiang101338(360)Zhou Hongyi360Zhou HongyiAIAIZhou Hongyi360360Zhou Hongyi360360360AgentZhou Hongyi360360Zhou HongyiIf you have any news leads, please feel free to report to us. Once accepted, there will be a fee and compensation...

No matter which city you are in, you don't need to install broadband. ZTE U50Pro can help you achieve

No matter which city you are in, you don't need to install broadband. ZTE U50Pro can help you achieve

Many friends may have heard about ZTE U50Pro, a mobile portable WiFi, but due to its high price, many may be struggling to determine whether it is worth buying.The current bare metal price of ZTE U50Pro is 1649, and its configuration uses Qualcomm's X62 chip, which is a 4nm 5G baseband chip...

Hebei Kangbao: Achievements in Wetland Ecological Protection and Restoration

Hebei Kangbao: Achievements in Wetland Ecological Protection and Restoration

In the golden autumn season, Kangbanuoer National Wetland Park, located in Kangbao County, Hebei Province, has clear skies and clear waters, with a rich collection of birds, creating a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. In recent years, Kangbao County has continuously strengthened the construction and management of Kangbanor National Wetland Park, implementing a series of projects such as wetland restoration and protection, ecological landscape construction, and infrastructure construction...

Achievements in Science Popularization and Education of Yunnan Section of the National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

Achievements in Science Popularization and Education of Yunnan Section of the National Nature Reserve for Rare and Endemic Fish in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

Since the establishment of the Yunnan Management and Conservation Bureau, a national nature reserve for rare and unique fish species in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, its goal has been to strive to build the reserve into a "three modernizations" nature reserve that integrates six major functions: management, protection, restoration, scientific research, breeding, and education, standardizes environmental construction, project construction, and institutional construction, and informationization of human, financial, material, and business management. It will continue to strengthen protection and construction, To steadily increase the diversity of fish species in the protected area, significantly restore the number of rare and endangered fish populations, and significantly increase the amount of fish resources...

The countdown to the 2023 Architecture Expo is 3 days! Changsha's Intelligent Construction Achievements Take the Lead

The countdown to the 2023 Architecture Expo is 3 days! Changsha's Intelligent Construction Achievements Take the Lead

Red Net Moments News on October 10thFrom October 13th to 15th, the 2023 Changsha International Green Intelligent Construction and Building Industrialization Expo and World Construction Industry Conference (referred to as "CIIE") will be held at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center. This CIIE will become a window for Changsha to comprehensively promote and showcase the achievements of green and intelligent construction work in Changsha, and assist in the construction of pilot cities for intelligent construction...

The Huake University team has made significant breakthroughs in scientific research and is the first internationally to achieve the overall magnetization and demagnetization of megawatt level permanent magnet wind turbines

The Huake University team has made significant breakthroughs in scientific research and is the first internationally to achieve the overall magnetization and demagnetization of megawatt level permanent magnet wind turbines

Huazhong University of Science and Technology team photo provided by Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyAccording to Xinhua News Agency, on October 8th, it was learned from Huazhong University of Science and Technology that the engineering and technical team of the National Pulse Strong Magnetic Field Science Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology has recently successfully achieved the overall magnetization and demagnetization of the rotor of a 20 MW semi direct drive permanent magnet wind turbine, marking China's scientific research team being the first in the world to achieve the overall magnetization and demagnetization of the entire series of models of megawatt level permanent magnet wind turbines.It is reported that permanent magnet wind turbines are currently the main model used for wind power generation, and the permanent magnet pole is a key core component of permanent magnet motors, assembled from numerous magnetic steel...

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

Pushing 3000 meters into the deep sea, China's self-developed marine seismic exploration equipment has achieved ultra deep water operations for the first time

People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 6 (Reporter Du Yanfei) A few days ago, in the 3000m ultra deepwater block in the the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the "Offshore Oil 720" deepwater geophysical exploration ship carried China's self-developed marine streamer seismic exploration acquisition equipment "Haijing" system, completed seismic exploration in ultra deepwater waters for the first time, and released China's first ultra deepwater 3D geological exploration map, marking new progress in the development of key core technical equipment for deepwater oil and gas exploration in China.The "Offshore Oil 720" geophysical exploration vessel is equipped with the "Sea Economy" system for ultra deep water exploration operations...

Hainan's scientific and technological achievements made their debut at the 20th China ASEAN Expo

Hainan's scientific and technological achievements made their debut at the 20th China ASEAN Expo

Hainan Daily reporter Qiu JianghuaThe Wukong unmanned submersible, which can dive to the bottom of the deepest Mariana Trench in the world; Orchard plant protection robots that cover all stages from weeding to picking, allowing people to "plant with air conditioning"; Cosmetics made from sea grapes known as "green caviar"....

Two sisters in a family have different destinies: Meng Wanzhou and Yao Anna, a contrast between achievements and losses

Two sisters in a family have different destinies: Meng Wanzhou and Yao Anna, a contrast between achievements and losses

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your supportArticle | Centennial War Record Editor | Centennial War RecordprefaceTheir starting points are completely different: one was born in the mountainous areas of Guizhou and had a bumpy life since childhood; The other is a noble princess, living a luxurious and luxurious life...

Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

As a high-precision and cutting-edge field, the development and application of manned spaceflight have generated enormous comprehensive benefitsThe Chinese space station has arranged for 110 space science research and application projects to be implemented in orbit, with over 4000 engineering achievements widely applied in various industries. The annual increase in grain production in space breeding is about 2...

Zhongshan Hospital's Clinical Research Achieves Another Major Breakthrough

Zhongshan Hospital's Clinical Research Achieves Another Major Breakthrough

Recently, the team of Li Xiaoying and Chen Ying from the Endocrinology Department of Sun Yat sen Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, together with the team of Professor Wang Guangyu from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, published research results online in the international top medical journal NatureMedicine (natural medicine) - the first international proposal to adopt the AI system "RL-DITR" based on strong chemical learning algorithm to formulate insulin decision-making strategies, effectively improving the accuracy of insulin treatment programs for patients with type 2 diabetes. The research results can provide personalized and dynamic diagnosis and treatment programs for patients with type 2 diabetes, assist in establishing a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and improve the efficiency of chronic disease management...