How does the optimization of Mg and Mn components affect the microstructure and properties of 5083 aluminum alloy?

How does the optimization of Mg and Mn components affect the microstructure and properties of 5083 aluminum alloy?

Before reading the article, please kindly click on the "Follow" button in the upper right corner to facilitate your discussion and forwarding, and continue to follow high-quality daily content~With the increasing demand for marine resources by humans, the requirements for marine equipment and related materials are also increasing. 5083 aluminum alloy is a typical Al Mg alloy with good corrosion resistance, welding performance, and processing performance...

WPS responded with a service failure: it has been gradually restored

WPS responded with a service failure: it has been gradually restored

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On June 30th, multiple netizens reported that the office software WPS encountered service failures such as inability to open cloud documents and inability to use online editing.Regarding this, the official response of WPS stated that WPS experienced a service malfunction, which affected user usage...

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

BINGBIAN Lesions (Original Version) - Subi+Fi9+Younglife.mp34:02From Green Head Monster TechnologyRecently, the 24GB storage of the Red Devil 8Spro has become popular throughout the digital community, causing a lively discussion...

OPPO is finally close to the people! 1TB+100W fast charging+2 billion pixels, new machine launch only 2700

OPPO is finally close to the people! 1TB+100W fast charging+2 billion pixels, new machine launch only 2700

As the saying goes, 'The aroma of wine is afraid of the depth of the alley.' If a mobile phone product is not preheated or promoted properly, even if it has good configurations and a very low price, it will be ignored by everyone...

Unity officially launches AIHub for developers

Unity officially launches AIHub for developers

On June 29th, game production software provider Unity officially launched the AI software market AIHub for developers, providing a more convenient AI software trading platform for AI software developers and game developers.According to the company, the solutions in AIHub cover a range of features, including generative AI solutions, AI/ML integrated solutions (used to enhance workflows or connect projects to AI suppliers), and behavioral AI solutions (tools for developers to create behaviors in the game world, from pathfinding and enemy logic to non player character response)...

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Be vigilant! These 10 internet projects, some are running away, and some are scamming money when they go online! Please don't fall for it!

Reminder: Do you know the commonly used code words in pyramid schemes? Words such as "water stirring plan", "dark box operation", "it's raining", "waiting for flowers to bloom", "silent period", etc. are often used by scammers to deceive people...

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

On Monday, June 27th, local time, Tesla closed 6.06% lower at $241...

These Chinese made products are sold globally!

These Chinese made products are sold globally!

According to data from the European Union's climate monitoring agency, in early June of this year, the global average temperature had reached a record high for the same period. Recently, with the continuous high temperatures and droughts in many parts of the world, a series of heatstroke prevention products such as air conditioners, fans, and sunscreen clothing in China have been exported in high demand...

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

On June 22nd, Tech Planet reported that Zhou Yuan, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Zhihu, responded to the controversy over Zhihu's anonymous feature on his Moments and stated that he would make adjustments to the feature in the near future. "Zhihu accepts criticism, and the community remains open to discussions about Zhihu...

Pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities will be carried out

Pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities will be carried out

Beijing, June 16 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued the Notice on the Pilot Work of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Digital transformation Cities (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"). It is planned to organize the pilot work of small and medium-sized enterprises in Digital transformation cities in three batches from 2023 to 2025...

Market value evaporates by 200 billion! SF Express really can't handle it anymore? The man behind him emerged from the water

Market value evaporates by 200 billion! SF Express really can't handle it anymore? The man behind him emerged from the water

Wen|Cheese Pie InterpreterEdit|Cheese Pie InterpreterWhen it comes to the domestic express delivery industry, the first thing that comes to mind may be the term "three connections and one delivery", but the so-called "three connections and one delivery" is actually just a giant in the e-commerce express delivery industry.If you look at the entire express delivery industry, SF Express, known as the "Maotai in the express delivery industry," is undoubtedly the industry leader and the true industry leader...

The Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the

The Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially released the "Zidong Taichu" full mode large model

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 16, at the Artificial Intelligence Framework Ecological Summit 2023, Xu Bo, director of the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, officially released the full mode model of "Zidong Taichu".It is reported that the "Zidong Taichu" full mode large model is a 2...