Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Mysterious flying world: why do large planes avoid the sky over Xizang? In the early summer morning, the sun shines through the clouds on the northern Tibetan plateau, creating brilliant colors and magnificent scenery. However, the towering of the the Himalayas has brought great challenges to pilots...

Can't you stop the internet, can't you stop the heart? Deeply explore the reasons why

Can't you stop the internet, can't you stop the heart? Deeply explore the reasons why "adult websites" cannot be eradicated

In the era of the Internet, adult oriented content and services can no longer be considered new, but the repeated prohibition of "adult websites" is still a problem that is difficult for society and law to solve. This article will delve into the reasons why "adult websites" are repeatedly banned and explore possible solutions...

After switching back to the wave wheel washing machine for half a month, I finally understand why my mother decided not to buy a drum

After switching back to the wave wheel washing machine for half a month, I finally understand why my mother decided not to buy a drum

Mom, your washing machine is broken. Change the drumI don't want itYour pension is not low, why not switch to a better oneIt's nothing to do with money, I just want a wave wheelThis is a real conversation that happened at my house last year, when my mother clearly only wanted a wave wheel washing machine, but I only thought she was in love with money...

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAs an important basic raw material for modern industry, industrial gases are known as the "blood of industry". They are not only widely used in traditional industries such as steel smelting, petrochemicals, and metal processing, but also play an important role in emerging industries such as semiconductors, healthcare, and new energy...

Why do astronauts need to carry guns when going into space? It's not about preventing aliens, the lesson of the Soviet Union cannot be forgotten

Why do astronauts need to carry guns when going into space? It's not about preventing aliens, the lesson of the Soviet Union cannot be forgotten

On October 26, 2023, the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft, carrying three astronauts, was successfully launched and launched, ushering in a new round of personnel rotation for the Chinese space station.When it comes to manned spaceflight, many people will definitely think of China's first space hero, Yang Liwei...

The third phase of the vivo

The third phase of the vivo "Voice and Interest" public welfare plan officially launched

On November 3rd, it was reported that the 2023vivo Developer Conference recently concluded in Guangdong. The conference features a main venue and multiple sub venues, with the theme of "Together and Together"...

The third phase of the vivo

The third phase of the vivo "Voice and Interest" public welfare plan officially launched

On November 3rd, it was reported that the 2023vivo Developer Conference recently concluded in Guangdong. The conference features a main venue and multiple sub venues, with the theme of "Together and Together"...

The koi girl who was hit by Jack Ma started traveling around the world after winning 100 million yuan in the lottery. How is it now

The koi girl who was hit by Jack Ma started traveling around the world after winning 100 million yuan in the lottery. How is it now

In 2018, the news of the "Koi Girl Xin Xiaodai winning 100 million yuan" quickly ignited the entire network. Xin Xiaodai, an ordinary girl, suddenly became the envy of everyone...

After girls bought sweet potatoes, roast about the real economy, causing hot debate! Netizen: Money flows towards basic life

After girls bought sweet potatoes, roast about the real economy, causing hot debate! Netizen: Money flows towards basic life

Recently, an article titled 'Buying Sweet Potatoes to See the Real Economy, No wonder It's So Depression' has sparked a heated discussion among netizens. The article mainly discusses the recession of physical stores and the busy express delivery industry, and proposes the concept of small profits but quick sales...

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Editor | Can Ya Wen ShiPicture and Text | Can Ya Wen ShiPreface:On October 31st, the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully arrived in Beijing, butThe burnt black return capsuleBut it has attracted huge controversy from netizens.What's even more strange is that recentlyThe return capsule salvaged from the water in India was actually intact,There is no sign of being burnt at all...

Safe arrival! Now I realize that the Shenzhou 16 was under such tremendous pressure

Safe arrival! Now I realize that the Shenzhou 16 was under such tremendous pressure

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The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The issuance of license plates for astronauts' vehicles has always been a controversial issue. Some people believe that this blurring is intentional obstruction of the license plate, while others believe that it is for the protection of astronaut safety and privacy...