
The "obscene and pornographic" network information department investigates and punishes "quark" NetEase CC, ordering two platforms to immediately rectify

Recently, the quark platform and NetEase CC live streaming platform have been investigated and dealt with by relevant departments, causing widespread social attention. The National Cyberspace Administration guided the Guangdong Provincial Cyberspace Administration to conduct interviews with the leaders of the two platforms and imposed severe penalties on the network ecological issues involved...


Industrial "Smart Manufacturing" Joins Double 11 Taobao and Tmall Industrial Product Sales Increase 42% YoY in Four Hours

At 8 pm on October 31st, Tmall Double 11 officially opened for sale. According to official data, the sales momentum of Taobao Tmall industrial products is rapid, with four hours on its first day of sale and a year-on-year increase of 42% in sales...

Is the parachute of Shenzhou 16 damaged? Netizens are all confused: Did the astronaut leave in front of the gate of death?

Is the parachute of Shenzhou 16 damaged? Netizens are all confused: Did the astronaut leave in front of the gate of death?

Article | Chasing Waves WorkshopEdit | Wave Chasing WorkshopChina's aerospace industry achieved complete success in the return mission of Shenzhou 16, but this mission was not smooth sailing. From the tumbling spacecraft to the damage of the parachute, various issues have attracted the attention and speculation of netizens...

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Digital trade is becoming a new trend in the development of international trade today and a new growth point for future international trade development.According to customs data, in 2022, the scale of service trade that can be digitally delivered in China reached 2...

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

On the evening of October 31st, the iOS version of WeChat updated version 8.0...

NASA Director once again announced that Chang'e-5 has brought back lunar soil samples and suggested sharing them with the United States!

NASA Director once again announced that Chang'e-5 has brought back lunar soil samples and suggested sharing them with the United States!

Before reading this article, could you please click on the red "button" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation? Thank you for your support!Message 1: NASA Director once again announced that Chang'e-5 has brought back lunar soil samples and suggested sharing them with the United States!The sharing of lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-5 by NASA and China has sparked attention and discussion in the global space industry. This measure is not only a scientific cooperation, but also contains a profound historical and political background, which may lay the foundation for establishing more cooperation opportunities between the two aerospace powers in the future...

The price of iPhone 15 has been lowered since its launch, and Indians are eager to see Cook

The price of iPhone 15 has been lowered since its launch, and Indians are eager to see Cook

After the iPhone 15 was launched, a Taiwanese executive who worked at Foxconn in India resigned overnight and fled to mainland China to join BYD.Not only Foxconn employees, but also Apple itself has been traumatized by Indians...

This precious mineral that competes with gold is in short supply in the West, with 84% of global production in China last year

This precious mineral that competes with gold is in short supply in the West, with 84% of global production in China last year

The tungsten wire in the light bulb at home may be the first impression many people have of the mineral element "tungsten". In fact, tungsten ore is known as the "industrial tooth" due to its ability to make extremely hard materials, meaning it can "bite" any hard solid...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

For a better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow'.Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quicklyFour years ago, Huawei's rise in the field of technology caught the attention of American technology giants, and its innovative capabilities posed a huge threat to American technology hegemony...

Watching Shenzhou 16 Return: People without any sense of patriotism are really not suitable for selecting astronauts

Watching Shenzhou 16 Return: People without any sense of patriotism are really not suitable for selecting astronauts

The three words' astronaut 'are sacred and distant to us ordinary people, and even if many people love it, they can only consider it as a dream.For those true astronauts, it is love, responsibility, responsibility, structure, ambition, and mission, and in their hearts, national interests are above all else...

Surprisingly, the Shenzhou 16 mission brought back an alien seed, which was beyond everyone's expectations?

Surprisingly, the Shenzhou 16 mission brought back an alien seed, which was beyond everyone's expectations?

The spirit of human exploration has always been driving the progress of science and technology. As a country that has emerged in the field of space, China has continuously achieved a series of dazzling achievements in recent years, among which the success of the Shenzhou 16 manned mission can be regarded as an important milestone...

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Shenzhou 16Return,The online coverage of this matter can be said to be overwhelming.But some reports also need to be viewed rationally...