Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn was previously exposed to investigation by two major departments. Firstly, the tax department conducted tax inspections on its enterprises in Guangdong and Jiangsu; Secondly, the Ministry of Natural Resources conducted on-site investigations on Foxconn's land use in Henan, Hubei, and other areas...


Typhoon "Dussuri" Attacks Ningbo Coastal Waters and Enters Level IV Typhoon Protection

Ningbo, China Central Radio Network, July 23 (reporter Yu Ye, correspondent Zhang Jie) At 11:00 on July 23, the 5th typhoon of this year, "Du Surui", was located at 14.8 degrees north latitude and 128...

Netstay Security 2022 Web Security Observation Report: API Becomes the Number One Attack Target, DDoS, Bot Attacks Multiply

Netstay Security 2022 Web Security Observation Report: API Becomes the Number One Attack Target, DDoS, Bot Attacks Multiply

On June 30, Wangsu Science&Technology's sub brand Netsux Security held the 2022 Internet Security Report Conference online, officially releasing the 2022 Web Security Observation Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report, the Zero Trust Security White Paper and the SASE Security Access Service Edge White Paper).It is reported that this conference is the first conference hosted by a virtual digital person in the network security industry, which uses the one-stop virtual digital person live broadcast product of Wangsu Science&Technology, Netsux virtual live broadcast, breaks the dimension wall, realizes the integration of virtual and real, and presents a new interpretation of the security trend for the public...