Renting Bridesmaids

Renting Bridesmaids "Causes Controversy: Don't Look at New Careers with Old Eyes

Zhang Shuyu (Jinggangshan University)According to Southern Metropolis Daily, post-90s Shenzhen cross-border e-commerce worker Xiao Liu indirectly received two orders for "bridesmaids for rent" during the National Day holiday, one from Guangzhou and the other from Meizhou. Renting bridesmaids "is a new buzzword, with festive National Day and long holidays, making it an excellent date for many newlyweds to get married...


The "Zero Fault" Closing Ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Lenovo's Intelligent Full Stack Accompanying the Whole Process

On October 8th, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou successfully concluded.Lenovo once again supported the successful hosting of major international events with the achievement of "zero failure"# Lenovo Helps Hangzhou Asian Games End with "Zero Fault"#At this Asian Games, Lenovo provided AI embedded intelligent terminals, AI oriented infrastructure, and AI native solution services, which is # Lenovo Full Stack Intelligence#The products, solutions, and services have made their debut in world-class competitions for the first time...


The "Golden Week" of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day has come to an end, and China Southern Airlines has reached a historic high in the number of passengers transported in Kyrgyzstan

The eight day Mid Autumn and National Day Double Festival "Super Long Golden Week" has come to an end. The reporter learned from the Jilin branch of China Southern Airlines that from September 29th to October 6th, China Southern Airlines implemented 862 inbound and outbound flights in the Jilin region, ensuring the smooth travel of 117000 passengers, an increase of 12...


2023 "Science is also an idol" short video solicitation activity officially launched online voting

2023 "Science is also an Idol" Short Video Solicitation ActivityReceived over 2200 submissions in totalPreliminary evaluation669 works have been shortlisted for online votingFrom today to October 16thSocial public can click2023 "Science is also an Idol" Theme Work Online VotingEnter the voting pageVote for your favorite workVoting periodUsers can cast 10 votes per dayCan vote continuously on the same workYou can also vote separately for different works in different groupsMake science "trendy" and create new idols of the timesWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and participate in the votingLet's take a video and see how trendy science isListen to what scientists sayAnd vote for the work that most touches youIt is strictly prohibited to swipe tickets in any way during this voting activityOnce verifiedThe organizer will clear invalid votesAnd reserve the right to cancel the selected works as appropriate*The organizer will not demand voting support or advertising under any pretext. Please do not trust text messages or phone calls from unknown channels to avoid fraud...

Mushroom Car Coupled Autonomous Driving Vehicle Becomes a New

Mushroom Car Coupled Autonomous Driving Vehicle Becomes a New "Online Celebrity Check in Project" in Erhai, Dali

During the National Day holiday, a group of autonomous vehicles in the Erhai Scenic Area of Dali, Yunnan Province became the focus of tourists' attention. This batch of autonomous vehicles includes autonomous buses, autonomous retail vehicles, autonomous cleaning vehicles, etc...

IQiyi 2023 Mid Autumn and National Day Cultural and Entertainment Data Inventory: User viewing time increased by 8% month on month

IQiyi 2023 Mid Autumn and National Day Cultural and Entertainment Data Inventory: User viewing time increased by 8% month on month

According to data released by the iQiyi Data Research Center on October 7th, during the 8-day Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday, iQiyi users' daily viewing time increased by 8% compared to before the holiday, and the daily viewing time of large screen users increased by 11% compared to before the holiday.It is worth mentioning that a number of filming locations for film and television dramas have become popular tourist attractions during this year's holiday, and even become "new business cards" for cultural and tourism in some cities...

Shandong Airport Management Group Rizhao Airport has successfully completed transportation support work during the Mid Autumn and National Day holidays

Shandong Airport Management Group Rizhao Airport has successfully completed transportation support work during the Mid Autumn and National Day holidays

With the end of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, Rizhao Airport has successfully completed the "Double Festival" guarantee task. To ensure the smooth and orderly production safety, operational support, and sincere service during the holiday season, Rizhao Airport actively coordinates the airline's transportation capacity, innovates service measures, creates a strong holiday atmosphere, and fully promotes the recovery of the aviation market...

A day in the sky, a year on the earth? If an astronaut stays on the moon for one day, how long has it been on Earth?

A day in the sky, a year on the earth? If an astronaut stays on the moon for one day, how long has it been on Earth?

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

You should also buy the old model for 5 types of household appliances, not because the new model is not easy to use, but because the old model is too practical

You should also buy the old model for 5 types of household appliances, not because the new model is not easy to use, but because the old model is too practical

'Old style' does not mean outdated appearance.It refers to the principle and function of household appliances that are relatively old, but not "old" or outdated...

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 7th, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft plans to release its first artificial intelligence chip at its annual developer conference in November this year.It is reported that this chip, codenamed "Athena", is similar to a NVIDIA graphics processor and can be used to train and run data center servers for large language models...

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

According to foreign media reports, a spokesperson for General Motors recently stated that the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike, which began on September 15th, caused approximately $200 million in losses to General Motors in the third quarter.The UAW is striking General Motors, Ford, and Stanlantis, marking the first time in its history that the union has simultaneously struck three major union automakers in the United States...

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On October 7, Lotu Technology released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which showed that the cumulative sales volume of China Mobile's smart screen online monitoring market (excluding Tiktok, Kwai and other content e-commerce) from January to August was 66000 units, the sales volume exceeded 280 million yuan, and the average price was 4242 yuan. E-commerce channels have become the main sales channel for mobile smart screens, accounting for over 60% of total channel sales, and some transactions also occur in operators and commercial channels...