Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

On September 18th local time, chip manufacturer Intel announced a significant breakthrough in the development of glass substrates for next-generation advanced packaging.Prior to the Intel 2023 Innovation Conference held in San Jose, California, this week, Intel announced this "milestone like achievement" and stated that it will redefine the boundaries of chip packaging, providing game-changing solutions for data centers, artificial intelligence, and graphics construction, and promoting Moore's Law progress...

What is the risk of being caught by exposing the new

What is the risk of being caught by exposing the new "prostitution technology"?

This is the fourth science popularization story I have toldEditor | Come on, Salt KPExpose new "prostitution catching technology"What is the risk of you being caught?That's what the editor is going to give you today for science popularizationIn our country, prostitution is explicitly prohibited by lawBut there are still many people who disregard the authority of the lawTaking a desperate risk and choosing to go whoringThe current regulatory authorities have developed high-tech "prostitution arrest" technologyIf you also choose to touch the law with a try mentalitySo the next person to be arrested is likely to be youNext, the editor will introduce a set of comics to everyoneA new "new technology for catching prostitution"Article Special StatementThis article is based on a scientific and rigorous attitude to provide you with knowledge related to science popularization, with no other purpose. Please read this article rationally and make civilized comments...

Feizhu's response to

Feizhu's response to "sauce flavored big bed room": not in collaboration with Maotai Group, will continue to ensure booking experience

Original Title: Feizhu's Response to "Sauce Flavored Big Bed Room": Not in collaboration with Maotai Group, will continue to ensure booking experience[Dahe Caicube News] As for the dispute over the "Maotai big bed room", on the afternoon of September 18, the official microblog of Feizhu, the travel platform of Alibaba Group, stated that the goods were supplied to Feizhu Travel by the supplier cooperating with Haitang Bay Maotai Resort in Sanya. The platform was further subsidized and designed after providing preferential prices...

DingTalk launches the

DingTalk launches the "Asian Games Boost Limited Edition" logo from blue to purple

On September 19th, a netizen discovered in an app store that the color of the DingTalk app icon has changed from blue to the Asian Games theme color "Rainbow Rhyme Purple". According to official information from DingTalk, the purple icon represents the mobile version of the "Asian Games Support Limited Edition" DingTalk, symbolizing "Purple DingTalk can work" (homophonic: designated can work)...

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

On September 18th, the autumn fishing season for sea cucumbers in Weihai began, with over 300 divers successively going into the sea to catch sea cucumbers. At the opening ceremony, the person in charge of the Weihai Sea Cucumber Industry Association stated that it is expected that Weihai Sea Cucumber will achieve a high yield during this autumn harvesting season...

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

The author recently learned that a joint inspection team consisting of the East China Civil Aviation Bureau, Shandong Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Shanghai Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Zhejiang Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Pudong Airport, and Nanjing Airport conducted a joint inspection of Jinan Airport from August 8 to August 11, 2023.(Picture of the bird drive track set up within the flat range of the runway landing strip at Jinan Airport)The joint inspection team has put forward suggestions regarding the situation where the bird drive track of Jinan Airport is located within the flat range of the lifting strip...

Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

For many people, using headphones has become a part of life. When walking, cycling, taking public transportation, or leisure entertainment, they will wear headphones to listen to music, make phone calls, and follow dramas...

Pioneering the

Pioneering the "Tide" Algorithm, Mu Si Group Launches a New Dimension of Sleep

On September 16, 2023, Muse Group held its 2023 annual strategic press conference at Anaya Gold Coast Beach in Qinhuangdao, marking its first external brand strategy upgrade and release event since its listing. Moose Group has announced 2023 as the year of brand upgrading, empowering brands, products, and services through AI technology and digitization to upgrade their sleep experience in multiple dimensions...

Ministry of Transport: Online ride hailing orders reached 824 million in August this year

Ministry of Transport: Online ride hailing orders reached 824 million in August this year

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn September 18th, according to information released by the Ministry of Transport, a total of 824 million orders were received in August this year, an increase of 0.5% compared to the previous month...

Batteryless robots can automatically deform in mid air

Batteryless robots can automatically deform in mid air

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, September 17 (Reporter Zhang Mengran) - Researchers at the University of Washington in the United States have developed a small robotic device that can change the way they fly in the air by folding during descent. The research results are published in the new issue of Science Robotics...

Changerding Rocket Launches Remote Sensing Satellite 39

Changerding Rocket Launches Remote Sensing Satellite 39

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, September 17th (Reporter Fu Yifei) - According to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, at 12:13 on September 17th, the Long March 2 D carrier rocket ignited and took off at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Subsequently, the remote sensing 39 satellite was successfully placed into the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success...

Cover Technology  Weekly | Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro Series; Moutai Chocolate sold out in seconds

Cover Technology Weekly | Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro Series; Moutai Chocolate sold out in seconds

Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro SeriesOn September 12th local time, Apple held its annual new product launch and announced the launch of the iPhone 15Pro series, which will use titanium alloy design. The starting prices for iPhone15Pro and iPhone15ProMax are $999 and $1199, respectively...