India suddenly turns a big corner! Xiaomi's fine of 4.8 billion yuan has been revoked, Lenovo has become a new target?

India suddenly turns a big corner! Xiaomi's fine of 4.8 billion yuan has been revoked, Lenovo has become a new target?

#Headlines on current events and hot topics#Xiaomi India funds frozen: Indian government accuses it of illegal behaviorAccording to Indian officials, Xiaomi's assets in India have been frozen, involving an amount of up to 55.5 billion rupees, equivalent to approximately 4...

Feizhu's response to

Feizhu's response to "sauce flavored big bed room": not in collaboration with Maotai Group, will continue to ensure booking experience

Original Title: Feizhu's Response to "Sauce Flavored Big Bed Room": Not in collaboration with Maotai Group, will continue to ensure booking experience[Dahe Caicube News] As for the dispute over the "Maotai big bed room", on the afternoon of September 18, the official microblog of Feizhu, the travel platform of Alibaba Group, stated that the goods were supplied to Feizhu Travel by the supplier cooperating with Haitang Bay Maotai Resort in Sanya. The platform was further subsidized and designed after providing preferential prices...

The behavior of

The behavior of "big data killing" has been identified with detailed standards

How to refine the identification of monopolistic behaviors in the economic field of platforms such as "one out of two" and "big data killing" that are of social concern? On February 7th, the Anti Monopoly Commission of the State Council issued anti monopoly guidelines on the field of platform economy, and the responsible person of the Office of the Anti Monopoly Commission of the State Council interpreted the guidelines.How to identify "one out of two" and "big data killing"?The guide is fully based on law enforcement practice, actively responding to social concerns, and making special provisions for issues such as "one out of two" and "big data killing" that have been widely reflected in various aspects of society in recent years...

Zaozido | Kwai e-commerce

Zaozido | Kwai e-commerce "big brands and big subsidies" upgrade security strategy; Jitu Express Global Plan Hong Kong IPO

Kwai e-commerce "big brand and big subsidy" upgrade security strategy: exclusive customer service channel to ensure user consumption experienceRecently, Kwai E-commerce's "big brand and big subsidy" channel launched a new upgrade security strategy. On the basis of the previous security mechanism of authenticity of all goods and nine compensation for fake goods, the platform launched a dedicated customer service channel for big brand and big subsidy to meet consumers' demand for targeted consultation and priority processing of orders...

The ubiquitous application of welding technology

The ubiquitous application of welding technology "-2023" National Science Popularization Day "event (big hand in small hand) on campus

SWS2023 Science Popularization Day ActivitiesUbiquitous welding technology2023917Ubiquitous welding technology1400At the event site, three welding experts and engineers gave science popularization reports on "Welding Helps Hualong Go to Sea", "Application of Laser Welding Technology", and "Exploring the Charm of Welding". The interactive atmosphere was lively both online and offline...

Please advise your boss not to be a big enemy of digital people

Please advise your boss not to be a big enemy of digital people

01Recently, some businesses launched the live broadcast of digital people, but the live broadcast room was closed less than a minute after the start of the broadcast. Tiktok Live was banned from live broadcast for a week...

IDC released the AI big model evaluation report. Alibaba Cloud scored 6 full marks in 11 indicators

IDC released the AI big model evaluation report. Alibaba Cloud scored 6 full marks in 11 indicators

On July 20th, IDC, an international data company, recently released the "AI Big Model Technical Capability Assessment Report, 2023", which evaluates the overall strength of China's big models from multiple dimensions such as algorithm, ecology, and service capabilities. Alibaba Cloud is the only manufacturer with a full score of "service capability", obtaining 6 full scores in 11 indicators, including general capability, service capability, innovation capability and ecological cooperation...

News says Apple is developing an AI big language model

News says Apple is developing an AI big language model

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportAccording to foreign media on July 20th, Apple is developing its own generative AI project, and Mark Goodman from Bloomberg provided the latest details.Mark Gullman said that Apple is testing its generative AI Chatbot internally, based on its own framework of the "Ajax" big language model that it started building last year, in order to integrate Apple's progress in machine learning...

The Three Gorges Dam has been impounded for 20 years, with a depth of over a hundred meters. How big are the fish inside?

The Three Gorges Dam has been impounded for 20 years, with a depth of over a hundred meters. How big are the fish inside?

Everyone is familiar with the Three Gorges Dam. It is one of the largest water conservancy construction projects in China...

WeChat's latest response: This joke is too big!

WeChat's latest response: This joke is too big!

Source: Qilu Evening NewsRecently, there are rumors that the time for WeChat to withdraw messages will be extended to 2 hours, which has attracted public attention.According to rumors,WeChat will launch the "Civil Servant Exclusive Edition", breaking the previous withdrawal deadline of WeChat from the original 2 minutes to 2 hours, and some leaders can extend the withdrawal time to 2 days...

TSMC Responds to 3 Nanometers and Seizes Apple's Big Order: Do Not Comment on Market Rumors

TSMC Responds to 3 Nanometers and Seizes Apple's Big Order: Do Not Comment on Market Rumors

On July 18th, according to Taiwan's Economic Daily, Bloomberg reported that Apple's latest self-developed M3 chip is expected to debut in October this year, produced using TSMC's 3-nanometer process. The legal representative is optimistic that the M3 chip will be another important 3-nanometer order for TSMC, following the latest A17 processor on the high-end iPhone 15, which will help the company operate in the second half of the year...

JD Jingzao Becomes a Deep Cooperative Brand of Yanxi Big Model

JD Jingzao Becomes a Deep Cooperative Brand of Yanxi Big Model

On July 13th, the JD Yanxi Big Model was launched at the 2023 JD Global Technology Explorer Conference and JD Cloud Summit. Compared with the universal big model, this big model integrates 70% universal data and 30% digital intelligence supply chain native data, and has the advantages of "higher industrial attributes, stronger generalization ability, and more security guarantees"...