Air frequency conversion stove, laying off liquefied gas tanks and induction cookers

Air frequency conversion stove, laying off liquefied gas tanks and induction cookers

Breakthrough in Chinese electric furnaces: Xianzhou air frequency conversion stoveThe Chinese electric furnace industry has been continuously developing since the last century. Although products such as induction cookers and liquefied gas tanks have gained a certain market share, they all have their own problems that limit user experience...

The price of iPhone 15 has been lowered since its launch, and Indians are eager to see Cook

The price of iPhone 15 has been lowered since its launch, and Indians are eager to see Cook

After the iPhone 15 was launched, a Taiwanese executive who worked at Foxconn in India resigned overnight and fled to mainland China to join BYD.Not only Foxconn employees, but also Apple itself has been traumatized by Indians...

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Recently, Foxconn has faced unprecedented tax and land use investigations in China, sparking widespread discussions about Apple's strategic choices in the Chinese market. This article will explore the importance of the Chinese market for Apple, the considerations behind Apple's supply chain adjustment, and strategic analysis of the Chinese market...

The trend is coming! Induction cookers have become a new favorite in household cooking in Zhejiang, easily saving gas expenses!

The trend is coming! Induction cookers have become a new favorite in household cooking in Zhejiang, easily saving gas expenses!

Introduction:With the improvement of living standards and the enhancement of environmental awareness, more and more families are beginning to shift their habit of using gas stoves. Especially in Zhejiang Province, people have discovered a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to no longer installing gas stoves...

Introduction to purchasing electric rice cookers. Which brand of rice cooker has the best quality? Insiders help you conduct in-depth analysis

Introduction to purchasing electric rice cookers. Which brand of rice cooker has the best quality? Insiders help you conduct in-depth analysis

Electric rice cookers are essential household appliances, mainly used for cooking, with additional functions such as making soup, stewing, frying, baking, etc. They are highly practical...

Apple CEO Cook Visits Chengdu, Revealing Photos of Anshun Bridge Taken on iPhone

Apple CEO Cook Visits Chengdu, Revealing Photos of Anshun Bridge Taken on iPhone

On the evening of October 16th, Apple CEO Cook posted on his personal Weibo account a visit to Chengdu and attached a photo of the Anshun Bridge taken by the iPhone 15 ProMax, saying, "Hello Chengdu! The iPhone 15 ProMax took this stunning photo of the historic Anshun BridgeScreenshot of Cook's personal WeiboAccording to reports, Cook subsequently appeared in Chengdu's Taikoo Village and was surrounded by onlookers. Citizens greeted him and took photos with him, and Cook also raised his "scissors hand" in response...

Apple CEO Cook Talks about the Glory of the King: Sweeping the World

Apple CEO Cook Talks about the Glory of the King: Sweeping the World

That night, Cook posted on his Weibo account, saying: "The exciting and exciting" King of Glory "was born in Chengdu and has now become popular worldwide on the AppStore. Thank you to Tianmei Studio and all the high players who participated in the competition at the Chengdu Taikoo Li Apple Store, it has been a hot night...

Is it a beauty pageant for rice cookers or Subor? Those who know the ropes know that these four models are the best value for money!

Is it a beauty pageant for rice cookers or Subor? Those who know the ropes know that these four models are the best value for money!

Many users often struggle with the brand when choosing rice cookers. Among so many well-known kitchen appliance brands in the market, which brand has the best quality of rice cookers? Actually, no matter which brand has a conscience product or a "leek" product, it is obviously not advisable to focus solely on the brand, regardless of the specific product...

You make me cook without a pot, I make you cook without rice, chip competition?

You make me cook without a pot, I make you cook without rice, chip competition?

The Ministry of Commerce announced that starting from August 1st, it will control the export of rare metals such as crops and germanium. Any unit or individual must approve the export of these two rare metals to foreign countries and are not allowed to sell them privately...