Ningde Era: Cooperative Development of Civil Electric Manned Aircraft Project

Ningde Era: Cooperative Development of Civil Electric Manned Aircraft Project

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn September 19th, Ningde Times announced on an interactive platform that it is currently collaborating on the development of a civilian electric manned aircraft project, implementing aviation level standards and testing to meet aviation level safety and quality requirements. Ningde Times will also launch a vehicle level application version of condensed state batteries, which can have mass production capacity within this year...

JD Jingzao Becomes a Deep Cooperative Brand of Yanxi Big Model

JD Jingzao Becomes a Deep Cooperative Brand of Yanxi Big Model

On July 13th, the JD Yanxi Big Model was launched at the 2023 JD Global Technology Explorer Conference and JD Cloud Summit. Compared with the universal big model, this big model integrates 70% universal data and 30% digital intelligence supply chain native data, and has the advantages of "higher industrial attributes, stronger generalization ability, and more security guarantees"...