JD Jingzao Becomes a Deep Cooperative Brand of Yanxi Big Model

On July 13th, the JD Yanxi Big Model was launched at the 2023 JD Global Technology Explorer Conference and JD Cloud Summit. Compared with the universal big model, this big model integrates 70% universal data and 30% digital intelligence supply chain native data, and has the advantages of "higher industrial attributes, stronger generalization ability, and more security guarantees"

On July 13th, the JD Yanxi Big Model was launched at the 2023 JD Global Technology Explorer Conference and JD Cloud Summit. Compared with the universal big model, this big model integrates 70% universal data and 30% digital intelligence supply chain native data, and has the advantages of "higher industrial attributes, stronger generalization ability, and more security guarantees". It is committed to solving real industrial problems, serving thousands of industries and embracing industrial intelligence.

In the field of application practice, JD Cloud AIGC content marketing platform has become the successful practice of Yanxi big model in e-commerce scenarios, and JD Private label Jingzao has also become the first in-depth cooperation brand of the platform.

In the display stage of the large model, the Yan Xi model can efficiently and accurately understand the characteristics of the product by starting from a single product image created by JD Beijing. It can quickly generate product main images, marketing poster images, and commercial details. The production cost of each set of images can be reduced by 90%, and the production cycle can be shortened from 7 days to half a day, achieving industry-leading efficiency.

Xu Ran, CEO of JD.com, said: "Jingdong's big model technology evolution follows the technological pursuit of Jingdong: cost, efficiency, experience, credibility, inclusiveness and breakthrough. Cutting into the big model from the industrial end is like climbing the technology Everest from the northern slope. Although the road is more difficult, it has a more magnificent scenery."

Starting from the industrial side, the Yan Xi model helps JD Jingzao upgrade costs, efficiency, and experience

Originating from industries and service industries. In JD's view, the real realization of the value of big models must be in industrial applications. As a new type of physical enterprise, JD has a rich industrial layout including retail, logistics, technology, health, industry, and industrial development. Its own development also comes from rich experience in industrial scenarios.

As Xu Ran said, "The value of a large model is equal to the square of algorithm power multiplied by data multiplied by industry thickness. While the first three indicators are important, the key is to create practical value when technology is applied in industrial scenarios

As an important bridge linking JD's upstream production and downstream consumption, JD's Private label "Made in Beijing" has now become a concentrated expression of JD's supply chain capability in the retail brand scene, and is also JD's comprehensive implementation of the business philosophy of "cost, efficiency, experience".

JD Jingzao has become the first in-depth cooperative brand of JD Cloud AIGC content marketing platform, a big model of Yanxi, which not only reflects JD Jingzao's in-depth exploration in the application of retail technology, but also the implementation practice of JD AI's technical capabilities in Private label business.

In addition to intelligent generation of product images, the Yan Xi model will also provide comprehensive content marketing assistance for JD Jingzao, including marketing content creation, operational process optimization, and customer intelligent services.

The person in charge of JD Jingzao stated, "The Yan Xi model has the 'super' ability to surpass material limitations and manpower limitations, which can greatly enhance the imagination of creators, while improving the production efficiency of design, copywriting, and other work, achieving a significant improvement in content quality at a lower cost

Adding technological strength, JD Jingzao strengthens the supply chain technology foundation

As a new entity enterprise with both the genes and attributes of an entity enterprise, digital technology and capabilities, JD is connected to the consumer Internet at one end and the industrial Internet at the other end. It continues to use digital and intelligent technologies to connect and optimize various supply chain links such as social production, circulation, consumption and services, reduce Social cost and improve social efficiency.

In industrial cooperation, JD Jingzao continuously relies on the "ten sugarcane" theory, and through the division of labor principle of "you do the factory, I do the market" and supply chain technology capabilities, continues to support the high-quality development of the industrial belt, and factory partners achieve "quality upgrading".

Specifically, relying on the C2M Big data insight and the advantages of direct production and marketing mode, Jingdong Jingzao continuously improves the efficiency of commodity circulation and eliminates the high brand premium, which not only improves the efficiency of factory partners, but also allows consumers to buy better products at a more affordable price, promoting the positive cycle of high-quality production capacity and quality consumption.

Under the AI technology empowerment of the Yan Xi model, JD Jingzao will also allow industry partners to enjoy JD's technological innovation achievements more confidently and at a lower cost, optimize industrial processes, and achieve quality and efficiency improvement.

In addition, JD Jingzao will leverage the Yanxi model to strengthen its digital service capabilities in logistics, after-sales, and other aspects, creating a more value-added and convenient consumer experience, truly realizing JD's technological pursuit and creating a better life with its technological capabilities.

The relevant person in charge of JD Jingzao stated that in the future, JD Jingzao will also work together with JD Cloud to explore the innovative application of big models in the retail industry from aspects such as product image authorization, internal testing, technology upgrading and practice, and continuously break through the innovative integration of AI technology and brand merchants in all scenarios, driving brand growth and industrial technology upgrading, and continuously releasing intelligent commercial value.

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