The charm of Qingdao's scientific and technological innovation in the eyes of foreign experts

The charm of Qingdao's scientific and technological innovation in the eyes of foreign experts

Maglev with a speed of 600km/h, the world's largest marine Gene pool, Leitz ultra high precision measuring machine, "Fuxing" intelligent Multiple unit, air suspension centrifugal water chiller, active air temperature control container....

American expert: Florida sharks may be addicted to drugs

American expert: Florida sharks may be addicted to drugs

Rossiya Segodnya (RT) and other mediaReported on July 21strecentlyAmerican marine biologists warn thatSharks near the coast of Florida, United StatesPerhaps smoking cocaine abandoned in the seaScreenshots of relevant reports (source: "Rossiya Segodnya")It is understood that some people often throw cocaine into the sea when smuggling drugs to avoid being discovered. In mid June this year, the United States Coast Guard issued a statement saying that,In 9 drug trafficking cases investigated in the international waters of the Atlantic and Caribbean, the Coast Guard seized nearly 6420 kilograms of cocaine...

Expert: It's not a superstition, why do planes have to make a circle when flying over the Guanyin statue in the South China Sea

Expert: It's not a superstition, why do planes have to make a circle when flying over the Guanyin statue in the South China Sea

The Nanhai Guanyin Statue is located on Nan'ao Island, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is one of the tallest Guanyin statues in the world and an important tourist attraction in Hong Kong and Shenzhen...

Experts predict that if there are no accidents, there may be

Experts predict that if there are no accidents, there may be "four major changes" in society this year and next

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Wearing stockings and waiting for me

Wearing stockings and waiting for me ", the work group is displaying indecent information! The company claims to have been invaded by a virus, but network security experts say it is unlikely

On July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted widespread attention.A screenshot of the online chat shows that at 10:07 pm, a person named "Provincial Government Office" sent three indecent messages in a row: "Has your husband gone out yet?" "Wait for me to go to your house?" "Wear stockings and wait for me...

Sorry! Famous technology expert Feng Yanghe sacrificed on duty

Sorry! Famous technology expert Feng Yanghe sacrificed on duty

On July 1, 2023, Feng Yanghe, a famous expert in the field of Command and control and artificial intelligence in China and an associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of System Engineering of University system, died in a car accident in Beijing at the age of 38. Keep going!Source: Purple Light Pavilion...

The alarm bell rings long! Chinese aerospace experts were countered by a certain country's policy and sold a large amount of confidential intelligence

The alarm bell rings long! Chinese aerospace experts were countered by a certain country's policy and sold a large amount of confidential intelligence

Wen | YuanshanEdit | DuoyuBefore reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

Chinese aerospace experts are instigated overseas to sell space intelligence and receive a monthly reward of $1000

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on the "Follow" button to facilitate continuous promotion of such articles for you in the future, as well as to facilitate discussion and sharing. Your support is the driving force for us to persist in creating~The Sky of the NorthEdit | Floating LifeFor most people, they envy being able to work at the China Space Administration...

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

When an American expert warns China that if it continues to develop chips, it may face an economic crisis, this is actually a misunderstanding of China's independent research and development capabilities and a protection of the dominant position of the US market. This warning seems to overlook the importance of enhancing independent research and development capabilities and continuous innovation for a country's economy...

Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Recently, at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum - New Entity Enterprise Forum, many experts and enterprise representatives conducted in-depth discussions on the path of new entity enterprises to help build a modern industrial system in the context of Chinese path to modernization."From the perspective of effect, new physical enterprises have played a positive role in promoting digital integration...

Is' Er Yang 'more harmful to the body? Expert authoritative answer

Is' Er Yang 'more harmful to the body? Expert authoritative answer

Recently, the topic of secondary infection of COVID-19 such as "Eryang" has attracted everyone's attention.How is the current prevalence of COVID-19? Why does' yang 'continue to' yang 'after it has passed? In response to public concerns, the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council recently organized experts to provide answers...