Dongfang Selection: Self operated Wuchang rice fully meets the requirements for origin, raw grain, and process traceability

Dongfang Selection: Self operated Wuchang rice fully meets the requirements for origin, raw grain, and process traceability

On the evening of November 4th, Dongfang Selection released a statement stating that the "Dongfang Selection Wuchang Rice Fragrance" product fully meets the execution requirements of the national standard GB/T19266 Wuchang Rice Standard. The raw grain variety is Wuyou Rice No...

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Yingde Gas Fang Shiwen: Accumulate Energy for Green Development and Build a Global Digital Operation Base

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiAs an important basic raw material for modern industry, industrial gases are known as the "blood of industry". They are not only widely used in traditional industries such as steel smelting, petrochemicals, and metal processing, but also play an important role in emerging industries such as semiconductors, healthcare, and new energy...

Dongfanghong-1 is still in orbit, can we use a robotic arm to take it home? One key equipment is still missing

Dongfanghong-1 is still in orbit, can we use a robotic arm to take it home? One key equipment is still missing

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Alibaba Cloud Chief Risk Officer Zheng Junfang: Standardizing Data Governance with the Rule of Law

Alibaba Cloud Chief Risk Officer Zheng Junfang: Standardizing Data Governance with the Rule of Law

On October 12th, the 18th United Nations Internet Governance Forum Data Governance and Rule of Law Guarantee Sub Forum was held in Kyoto, Japan. This sub forum is hosted by the National Internet Information Office and attended by representatives of relevant United Nations agencies, the China Institute of Information and Communications, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, and other institutions and organizations...

Dongfang Selection's Xinjiang Live Broadcast has successfully concluded, with over 90 million live viewers and over 1 billion online exposures

Dongfang Selection's Xinjiang Live Broadcast has successfully concluded, with over 90 million live viewers and over 1 billion online exposures

Invited by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and with the strong support of various departments such as the Department of Commerce of the Autonomous Region, the Eastern Selection Xinjiang Special Session officially opened from September 10th to 15th. This live broadcast deeply recommends Xinjiang from various aspects such as sales, culture, and tourism, and has received high attention from netizens across the country...

In the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection, netizens directly called Dong Yuhui the best of his talents, and Dong responded by saying that he was just praising me

In the live broadcast room of Dongfang Selection, netizens directly called Dong Yuhui the best of his talents, and Dong responded by saying that he was just praising me

Since the launch of live streaming and sales at New Oriental, countless teachers have switched careers as streamers. However, if one wants to achieve popularity across the entire network, it is undoubtedly only Dong Yuhui...

Why can the barrage on Station B not block characters? What do you think of Yuan Fang?

Why can the barrage on Station B not block characters? What do you think of Yuan Fang?

The emergence of bullet screen non blocking technology actually provides a better viewing experience for everyone.Students are definitely familiar with barrage, which is one of the important manifestations of community culture...

CRRC's ranking has changed significantly. What does it mean for Zhuzhou to surpass Qingdao Sifang?

CRRC's ranking has changed significantly. What does it mean for Zhuzhou to surpass Qingdao Sifang?

In recent years, China's economy has achieved tremendous achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, with steady progress in reform and innovation. The urban and rural areas have taken on a new look, and China's industry has undergone tremendous changes...

Dongfang selects a trip to Gansu. Dong Yuhui's itinerary is full, and Yu Minhong's message under Tiktok is not attractive

Dongfang selects a trip to Gansu. Dong Yuhui's itinerary is full, and Yu Minhong's message under Tiktok is not attractive

It has been three days since Eastern Selection went to Gansu. In the first two days, Yoyo and Mingming, today is the rich historical knowledge anchor Feng Feng...

Dong Fang Hong 1 has been in space for 53 years, why hasn't it fallen? Still working?

Dong Fang Hong 1 has been in space for 53 years, why hasn't it fallen? Still working?

On April 24, 1970, China's Long March 1 sent Dong Fang Hong 1, the first man-made earth satellite, into low Earth Elliptic orbit.Usually the satellite will fall to the earth after completing its mission, but why did our Dong Fang Hong 1 stay in space for 53 years and still not fall?Is it still working or not? We will then answer this question...

Ericsson China President Fang Ying: 5G

Ericsson China President Fang Ying: 5G "Refine, Deepen, and Innovate"

On June 6th, during the 2023 China International Information and Communication Exhibition (PT Exhibition), Fang Ying, Executive Vice President of Ericsson Northeast Asia and President of China, shared Ericsson's latest insights into the current status and trends of mobile communication industry development. He introduced Ericsson's new progress in the next wave of 5G technology, accelerating 5G commercialization, and exploring 6G, and emphasized that Ericsson will remain steadfast in its development in China...


Ali's "Royal Guards" Jiang Fang, who has been in office for 23 years and sent 7 senior executives to prison, even Jack Ma can investigate!

followWithin the Alibaba Group, there was a woman who once made an astonishing move.After 23 years of employment, he shook the entire personnel department of Alibaba on his own, personally sending 7 senior management personnel to prison, with authority so high that even Jack Ma can investigate at will...