GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 7th (Reporter Huang Xinyi Intern Reporter Zhu Ling)Today, the 2023 college entrance examination officially begins. Among them, the Chinese language test papers in Shanghai adopt independent proposition...

Flying to the sky! The strongest brain medicine, chasing after it?

Flying to the sky! The strongest brain medicine, chasing after it?

Will the concept of brain computer interface go crazy? What are the specific uses of brain computer interfaces? A company is already using it to see if there is any potential for Mad Cow?Elon Musk, the world's richest man and technology superhero, has always been a loyal promoter of brain computer interfaces.Brain computer interface refers to the transmission of information between the human brain and computer systems through electronic devices that connect them...