GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 7th (Reporter Huang Xinyi Intern Reporter Zhu Ling)Today, the 2023 college entrance examination officially begins. Among them, the Chinese language test papers in Shanghai adopt independent proposition

Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 7th (Reporter Huang Xinyi Intern Reporter Zhu Ling)Today, the 2023 college entrance examination officially begins. Among them, the Chinese language test papers in Shanghai adopt independent proposition. The Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily used five domestic and foreign AI language models, namely, Microsoft BingGPT-4, Baidu ERNIE Bot, Alibaba Tongyi Qianwen, iFLYTEK Spark Cognition and 360 Brains, to try to write this year's Shanghai College Entrance Examination composition and compete with all the candidates.

The reporter also invited Tian Ye, the industry editor in chief of Cailian News Agency and a former Chinese language teacher at a high school, to rate the answers of each big model, with a maximum score of 70 points.

The following are the ratings and comments for this test by the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily.

Shanghai College Entrance Examination Composition

Test question content: Writing (out of 70 points)

Is a person willing to explore unfamiliar worlds simply because of curiosity? Please write an article discussing your understanding and reflection on this issue.

Requirements: (1) Develop your own questions; (2) Not less than 800 words.

Five AI big models, "" candidates ", have started their essay responses:

Microsoft BingGPT-4

Title: The Motivation to Explore a Strange World

Since ancient times, human beings have had the desire to explore a strange world. From ancient migration, to medieval navigation, to modern Space exploration, these are all manifestations of human's pursuit of the unknown. So, is a person willing to explore unfamiliar worlds simply because of curiosity? I believe that curiosity is one of the important motivations for exploring unfamiliar worlds, but it is not the only motivation. In addition to curiosity, there are other factors that can motivate a person to explore unfamiliar worlds, such as a desire for knowledge, survival, and diversity.

Firstly, curiosity is a psychological trait inherent in humans, which makes them interested in unknown things and eager to understand them. Curiosity can stimulate human creativity and imagination, promote cognitive development and learning ability. Curiosity can also bring happiness and satisfaction to humans, allowing them to experience the joy and sense of achievement of exploration. Therefore, curiosity is one of the important driving forces for exploring unfamiliar worlds. For example, Columbus discovered the New World out of curiosity about geography and culture; Newton discovered the Newton's law of universal gravitation out of curiosity about the falling of apples; Einstein proposed the theory of relativity out of curiosity about physical phenomena.

Secondly, the desire for knowledge is a human desire for knowledge and truth, which makes humans not satisfied with the existing knowledge system, but rather wants to expand and deepen their scope of understanding. The desire for knowledge can promote human scientific progress and civilization development, and promote human wisdom and rationality. The desire for knowledge can also bring confidence and dignity to humans, allowing them to feel the power and value of wisdom. Therefore, the desire for knowledge is one of the important driving forces for exploring unfamiliar worlds. For example, Darwin proposed the theory of evolution out of a thirst for knowledge about biodiversity and origin; Curie and his wife discovered Radioactive element out of curiosity for atomic structure and properties; Hawking's study of black holes and the origin of the universe was driven by a desire to learn about the mysteries and laws of the universe.

Once again, the desire for survival is a human need for survival and development, which enables humans to seek new resources and opportunities when facing difficulties and challenges. The desire for survival can enhance human adaptability and competitiveness, promote social progress and economic development. The desire for survival can also bring courage and resilience to humans, allowing them to feel the meaning and value of life. Therefore, the desire to survive is one of the important driving forces for exploring unfamiliar worlds. For example, ancient humans constantly migrated and explored new lands in search of a better living environment; Medieval Europeans constantly sailed and explored new continents in search of more trade and colonial opportunities; In order to cope with population growth and resource scarcity, modern humans constantly develop and utilize new energy and technologies.

Finally, the desire for diversity and change is a human love for diversity and change, which makes humans not satisfied with a single and ordinary way of life, but want to experience and enjoy different cultures and customs. The desire for diversity can enrich human emotions and aesthetics, promote cultural exchange and integration. The desire for diversity can also bring surprises and excitement to humans, allowing them to feel the joy and charm of life. Therefore, the desire for diversity is one of the important driving forces for exploring unfamiliar worlds. For example, MarcoPolo traveled to Asia out of a desire for diversity in exotic landscapes and civilizations; Van Gogh drew the starry sky out of a desire for differences in color and light and shadow; Beethoven created symphonies out of a desire for diversity in music and emotions.

In summary, a person's willingness to explore unfamiliar worlds is not only due to curiosity, but also due to other motivations, such as a desire for knowledge, survival, and diversity. These driving forces are all part of human nature and the source of human progress. We should cherish and cultivate these motivations, making ourselves a person who is brave in exploration, willing to learn, and constantly improving.

Rating: 58 points


Title: Exploring the Multiple Motivations of Strange World - From the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Culture

In the bustling world, people always have a desire to explore, whether it is the unknown ahead or foreign cultures, there is always an impulse that drives us towards strangers. Is such behavior really just out of curiosity? In fact, the motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds is far more complex than curiosity. Here, I would like to elaborate on this from the perspective of traditional Chinese culture.

When it comes to the reasons for exploration, we cannot ignore the fundamental curiosity in human nature. Aristotle once said, "Curiosity is the self demand of the soul." It is precisely because of this inner curiosity that people want to understand the world and seek truth. Curiosity is the source of human wisdom, driving the development and progress of society. From Chang'e's flight to the moon to the Human Genome Project, countless scientific research and exploration activities all originate from human curiosity.

However, curiosity is not the only driving force. Since ancient times, China has emphasized the concept of "harmony but difference", which means pursuing harmonious coexistence and respecting differences. This concept deeply affects our culture, making people willing to understand and accept foreign cultures. In addition, the Confucian concept of "cultivating one's character, ruling the country, and leveling the world" leads people to believe that only by cultivating oneself at home can one govern the country and level the world. This ideology also encourages people to come into contact with different cultures in order to enhance personal cultivation.

Furthermore, the Taoist concept of 'Dao follows nature' emphasizes the harmonious unity between humans and nature, which to some extent stimulates people's protection and exploration of nature. Zhuangzi and Kunpeng soar and roam freely between heaven and earth, which is the embodiment of this idea.

Looking back at History of China, the Silk Road, the Tea Horse Road, and the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal are all witnesses of human exploration of nature and cultural communication. These great projects not only satisfy people's curiosity, but also carry their longing for peace and prosperity.

Another example is Ming treasure voyages's voyages to the West, which not only aim at exploring the unknown world, but also promote national prestige and friendship. This is an example of 'multi motivation'. It can be seen that the motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds is not a single curiosity, but a result of the combined action of multiple factors.

We can also find evidence from the practice of Mohist thought. Mozi advocates for "both love and non aggression", which advocates people to understand others and eliminate misunderstandings and barriers. Mozi believed that only through communication and understanding can social harmony and peace be achieved. This is similar to the cultural exchange and international friendship we advocate today.

In addition, the concept of "exhausting oneself to the point of death" in the Book of Changes emphasizes people's exploration of the unknown world and their pursuit of the meaning of life. This is not only the essence of Chinese culture, but also the inner desire of all humanity.

Overall, the motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds is a complex and diverse system. Curiosity is certainly one of them, but factors such as sociality, environmental impact, and technological development are equally important. Seeking clues from traditional Chinese culture can help us gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon and promote world harmony and development.

Finally, I would like to quote a sentence from the Book of Songs: "Although Zhou was an old state, his life was renewed." This sentence not only expresses people's curiosity about new things, but also embodies their longing for a harmonious society. May we all explore unfamiliar worlds with an open mind, understand different cultures, and pursue true peace and prosperity.

As mentioned above, it can be seen that the motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds is far more complex than curiosity. In daily life, we should maintain a curiosity towards the unknown, while also learning to respect differences and understand others. Only in this way can we go further, wider, and better on the path of exploring unfamiliar worlds.

Rating: 65 points

Xu Tongyi Qianwen

Title: Multiple Motivations for Exploring an Unfamiliar World

In our daily lives, there are always some people who are full of strong curiosity about unknown things and are willing to explore unfamiliar worlds. So, is the motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds solely due to curiosity? This article will explore the multiple motivations for exploring unfamiliar worlds from four aspects: curiosity, needs, challenges, and growth.

Curiosity is a major motivation for humans to explore unfamiliar worlds. For many people, curiosity is the primary driving force that leads them to explore the unknown world. As Socrates said, "Curiosity is the key to the door of wisdom." Because of curiosity, we learn about unknown things and explore uncharted territories. For example, many people are enthusiastic about traveling because they are full of curiosity about unknown places. During the journey, they can experience various landscapes and cultures, explore different lifestyles, and gain different experiences and insights.

In addition to curiosity, people's motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds can also stem from their own needs. Sometimes, we need something or solve a problem, and these needs drive us to explore unfamiliar places. For example, some people travel for the purpose of purchasing unique souvenirs, tasting local cuisine and wine. In this case, tourism is aimed at meeting individual needs and improving the quality of life.

People's motivation to explore unfamiliar worlds may also come from their own challenges and pursuit of growth. In the process of exploring unfamiliar worlds, we encounter various problems and challenges that require continuous thinking, problem-solving, and overcoming difficulties. This process of challenge and growth can enhance our abilities and confidence, making us stronger and more confident. For example, many people are keen on challenging Extreme sport because they like to meet challenges and overcome difficulties. In this process, they can not only enhance their physical and psychological qualities, but also discover their potential and strengths.

In short, there are various motivations for exploring unfamiliar worlds, and curiosity is just one of them. People may explore unfamiliar worlds due to various reasons such as curiosity, needs, challenges, and growth. When we are filled with curiosity and the desire to explore unfamiliar worlds, we will find that the world is more beautiful, colorful, and interesting.

Rating: 52 points

Xunfei Spark

Question: Is curiosity the key to exploring the unknown world?

Humans are born with a desire to explore the unknown world, which drives us forward. Curiosity is one of the roots of this desire to explore. But can curiosity alone allow us to explore unfamiliar worlds? I think the answer is no.

Firstly, although curiosity is an important driving force, it is not the only one. Some people may explore unfamiliar worlds due to reasons such as love for a certain field, longing for a certain culture, and expectations for the future. For example, some people will learn musical instruments due to their love for music, some will study ancient civilizations due to their love for history, and some will start businesses due to their longing for technology. These people's desire to explore is not entirely rooted in curiosity, but in deeper internal needs.

Secondly, even curious people will encounter various difficulties and challenges when exploring a strange Universal Time. For example, language barriers, cultural differences, and differences in lifestyle habits. These questions may make curious people feel confused and helpless, and even give up exploring. Therefore, relying solely on curiosity to explore unfamiliar worlds is not feasible.

Finally, exploring unfamiliar worlds requires a certain level of preparation and ability. For example, it is necessary to have a certain level of knowledge reserve, skill level, psychological quality, and so on. These are all accumulated and improved in daily life, not just achieved through curiosity. Without sufficient preparation and ability, even with curiosity, it is difficult to survive and develop in an unfamiliar world. In summary, although curiosity is one of the important driving forces for exploring the unknown world, it is not the only one.

Exploring unfamiliar worlds requires deeper internal needs, the ability to face various difficulties and challenges, and a certain level of preparation and ability. Therefore, in the pursuit of exploring the unknown world, we not only need to maintain curiosity, but also continuously improve our abilities and qualities in order to better adapt to and cope with unfamiliar environments. For example, I have a friend who has always been very interested in African culture and wildlife. So he decided to travel to Africa for a period of time to experience the local culture and life firsthand. Before the trip, he made sufficient preparations, learned some basic language and cultural knowledge, and purchased some necessary equipment and medicine. During his travels, he encountered many difficulties and challenges, such as language barriers, inconvenient transportation, and eating habits. However, he did not give up, but gradually adapted to the local environment and lifestyle through continuous learning and experimentation. In the end, he not only gained a deep understanding of African culture and wildlife, but also made many local friends and gained valuable experience and insights.

To take another example, I once heard a story about a young man who wanted to climb Mount Everest. He is very interested in mountaineering, but he does not have any mountaineering experience or equipment. So, he began his preparation work, learned some mountaineering skills and knowledge, and purchased some necessary equipment and medicine. During the climbing process, he encountered many difficulties and challenges, such as altitude sickness, sudden temperature drops, avalanches, and so on. However, he did not give up, but through constant efforts and persistence, he finally succeeded in climbing Mount Everest. This experience made him deeply realize the hardships and significance of exploring the unknown world.

In short, exploring the unknown world requires more preparation and ability, not just simple curiosity. We need to constantly learn and improve our qualities and abilities in order to better adapt and cope with unfamiliar environments. At the same time, we also need to maintain curiosity and enthusiasm, constantly explore and discover new things and possibilities. Only in this way can we truly appreciate the joy and significance of exploring the unknown world.

Rating: 62 points

360 intelligent brain

Title: The Significance and Value of Exploring the Unknown World

Humans are naturally curious animals, always filled with curiosity and a desire to explore unknown things. Therefore, people enjoy exploring unfamiliar worlds, understanding different cultures, customs, and historical backgrounds, and so on. So why are people eager to explore the unknown world? Is it just curiosity? In my opinion, exploring the unknown world is not only to satisfy curiosity, but also has profound significance and value.

Firstly, exploring the unknown world can broaden one's horizons and thinking. When we face a completely unfamiliar environment, we have to re-examine our cognitive framework and way of thinking to better adapt to the new environment and situation. In this process, we can be exposed to different ways of thinking and cultural habits, thereby expanding our horizons and cognitive scope. At the same time, exploring the unknown world can also stimulate our creativity and imagination, allowing us to think more openly and innovatively.

Secondly, exploring the unknown world can promote personal growth and development. By interacting with different cultures and populations, we can better understand our differences from others and enhance our tolerance and understanding. In addition, exploring the unknown world can also help us discover our interests, hobbies, and talents, thereby maximizing our self-worth. In this era of information explosion, we need to constantly learn and update knowledge in order to better adapt to the development and changes of society.

Finally, exploring the unknown world can also bring economic benefits and social value. With the development of globalization, more and more people choose to travel overseas or study abroad for further education. These behaviors can not only promote economic development and increase employment, but also promote international cultural exchange and cooperation. In the process of exploring the unknown world, we can also discover business opportunities and business opportunities, laying a solid foundation for our own entrepreneurship and career.

In summary, exploring the unknown world is not only to satisfy curiosity, but also to expand horizons, promote personal growth, increase economic benefits and social value. We should maintain curiosity and courage towards the unknown world, constantly explore and discover new things, and make more contributions to the progress of human society.

Rating: 50 points

General comments from Teacher Tian Ye:

ERNIE Bot and iFLYTEK Xinghuo understood the requirements of the composition correctly, and their writing had the examinee's thinking. ERNIE Bot quotes many traditional classics, famous sayings and Ming treasure voyages's voyages to the Western Seas, which shows good Chinese skills and knowledge and performs best. The highlight of iFLYTEK Spark's composition lies in the two examples of Culture of Africa and wildlife exploration and climbing Mount Everest, which better explain their own writing views. The composition performance of Tongyi Qianwen and 360 Zhinao is not satisfactory, and it is relatively stylized. It feels like a computer program is answering the questions, and the writing is very rigid, lacking literary talent, and the word count does not meet the requirements. The composition of Microsoft BingGPT-4 is slightly better than that of Tongyi Qianwen and 360 Intelligent Brain.

It should be pointed out that each large model undergoes multiple tests, and the articles written are not entirely consistent, and the ratings and comments of the field teacher are only one person's words. After reading the Shanghai college entrance examination essay answer sheets of the five major models above, whose college entrance examination essay do you prefer? Welcome readers to leave comments and comments!

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