Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

Live selling seafood? Jinan also has it! The Road to Transformation for a Seafood Seller

Live selling seafood? Jinan also has it! The Road to Transformation for a Seafood Seller

Reporter Li PeileIn the era of live streaming sales, have you ever purchased seafood on a live streaming platform? Do you know about the seafood e-commerce in Jinan? It is understood that there is a seafood e-commerce enterprise in Jinan that used to sell 5000 to 6000 kilograms of crayfish in a day, with a peak order volume of 1000 to 2000 orders per day. But the reporter learned that the path of live streaming e-commerce is not easy to follow, and not all merchants are suitable for engaging in e-commerce...

A train with thousands of people, but can't even sell dozens of fast food? Here comes the answer

A train with thousands of people, but can't even sell dozens of fast food? Here comes the answer

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