Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the

Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the "seven major industries" such as advanced equipment manufacturing and new energy vehicles

On October 28th, the Guiyang Gui'an Special Investment Promotion Conference was held at the Guiyang International Ecological Conference Center, focusing on the "seven major industries" of Guiyang Gui'an and inviting entrepreneurs to participate in cooperation.This promotion conference is one of the series of activities of the Guizhou Conference on Digital Transformation to Promote High Quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry and the China Top 500 Machinery Research Report Release Conference...

Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Ningde Times: Assisting Guizhou in Building an Ecological System for New Energy Vehicles and Energy Storage Industry

Zeng Yuqun, Chairman of Ningde Times: Assisting Guizhou in Building an Ecological System for New Energy Vehicles and Energy Storage Industry

Guizhou has a good foundation for industrial development and abundant natural resources, and investing in Guizhou is an important strategic measure of Ningde Times. "On October 27th, at the launch ceremony of Ningde Times (Guizhou) new energy power and energy storage battery production and manufacturing base, Ningde Times Chairman Zeng Yuqun said in a speech...

New industrialization and

New industrialization and "number" running! Guiyang Gui'an focuses on building a "strong provincial capital" power engine

Data empowers "intelligent manufacturing" and leads the future of the industry.As the "vanguard" of high-quality economic and social development in the province, Guiyang has always adhered to taking high-quality development as the overall direction, fully promoting the "Strong Provincial Capital" action, and making new industrialization the first project to vigorously promote industrial strength in the city...

Guiyang Gui'an: Integrating Data and Reality to Promote the

Guiyang Gui'an: Integrating Data and Reality to Promote the "Accelerated Run" of New Industrialization

Data empowers "intelligent manufacturing" and leads the future of the industry.As the "vanguard" of high-quality economic and social development in the province, Guiyang Gui'an has always adhered to taking high-quality development as the overall plan, fully promoting the "strong provincial capital" action, making new industrialization the first project, and vigorously promoting the industrial strength of the city...

Re prove that the language model is the world model! LLM can distinguish between truth and lies, and can also be brainwashed by humans

Re prove that the language model is the world model! LLM can distinguish between truth and lies, and can also be brainwashed by humans


Guizhou Dashahe Nature Reserve Launches One Year Field Investigation

Guizhou Dashahe Nature Reserve Launches One Year Field Investigation

The kickoff meeting for the comprehensive scientific investigation of Guizhou Dashahe National Nature Reserve was recently held in Daozhen Autonomous County. A team of experts organized by Guizhou University and Guizhou Dashahe Nature Reserve Management Bureau will conduct a one-year field investigation in the reserve...

Musk: The science fiction work

Musk: The science fiction work "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is one of the most inspiring books I have ever read

This year's "Olympic Games of the Aerospace Industry" - the 74th International Astronautical Congress was held in early October in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. More than 5400 top aerospace scientists, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from 132 countries gathered together, making it the most diverse international aerospace conference in history...

Researcher Li Huahong from Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences was awarded the title of conscientious and responsible appraisal expert by the National Office of Social Sciences in September 2023

Researcher Li Huahong from Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences was awarded the title of conscientious and responsible appraisal expert by the National Office of Social Sciences in September 2023

[Source: Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences Research Trends]Recently, the National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences announced the "List of Serious and Responsible Appraisal Experts for September 2023", consisting of 28 people, including Researcher Li Huahong, Director of the Rural Development Research Institute of the Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences.It is reported that in order to ensure the academic quality of the achievements of the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation projects, enhance the sense of responsibility of the majority of evaluation and appraisal experts, and ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the project appraisal work, the National Philosophy and Social Science Work Office will regularly evaluate and praise the conscientious and responsible experts in the achievement appraisal of the National Social Science Foundation projects...

Global Technology Morning Post | Intel Reveals that Microsoft will launch Windows 12; Nature survey: Only 4% of scientists believe that AI is a

Global Technology Morning Post | Intel Reveals that Microsoft will launch Windows 12; Nature survey: Only 4% of scientists believe that AI is a "necessity"; Japan is about to release AIGC's developer regulatory guidelines; Meta pays creators millions of dollars to build AI chat robots; Prada to Design a New Generation Space Suit fo

Reporter: Wen Qiao Editor: Lan SuyingMonday, October 9, 20231. Intel Reveals Microsoft Will Launch Windows 12, Stimulating PC Upgrade DemandAccording to Intel, there will be a "Windows Update" in 2024 to stimulate PC generation demand, hoping to increase its revenue...

LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

Last class,I introduced the three core concepts of Chain,Agent,and Callback in LangChain,using traditional application programming design patterns and thinking as the entry point and comparison object. I also organized the capabilities and tools that LangChain has built-in for many developers...


AI "Tour Guide", AI Commentator, AI Referee... Inventory the Five "Blackest" Technologies of the Asian Games

Compared to previous Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games is likely to be the smartest, "said Vinod, Acting Director General of the Asian Olympic Council, in a media interview.The Hangzhou Asian Games officially closed on the evening of October 8th...

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

Source: Guizhou DailyRecently,The astronomical data processing team led by Professor Xie Xiaoyao from Guizhou Normal University at the Key Laboratory of Information and Computational Sciences in Guizhou Province has discovered a new case of rapid radio burst named FRB20200317A using China's Tianyan FAST.The relevant results were released to international peers on September 23, 2023 through the Astronomer's Telegram...