2023 "Science is also an idol" short video solicitation activity officially launched online voting

2023 "Science is also an Idol" Short Video Solicitation ActivityReceived over 2200 submissions in totalPreliminary evaluation669 works have been shortlisted for online votingFrom today to October 16thSocial public can click2023 "Science is also an Idol" Theme Work Online VotingEnter the voting pageVote for your favorite workVoting periodUsers can cast 10 votes per dayCan vote continuously on the same workYou can also vote separately for different works in different groupsMake science "trendy" and create new idols of the timesWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and participate in the votingLet's take a video and see how trendy science isListen to what scientists sayAnd vote for the work that most touches youIt is strictly prohibited to swipe tickets in any way during this voting activityOnce verifiedThe organizer will clear invalid votesAnd reserve the right to cancel the selected works as appropriate*The organizer will not demand voting support or advertising under any pretext. Please do not trust text messages or phone calls from unknown channels to avoid fraud...

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 7th, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft plans to release its first artificial intelligence chip at its annual developer conference in November this year.It is reported that this chip, codenamed "Athena", is similar to a NVIDIA graphics processor and can be used to train and run data center servers for large language models...

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

During the 8-day holiday, there were always people holding onto their posts. In Wenchang, Hainan, the first commercial space launch site under construction in China has never rested and has been accelerating construction...

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

Scholar Puyu 20B Model Launched in Alibaba Cloud's MoDa Open Source, Scholar and MoDa Establish Ecological Cooperation

On September 20th, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and other institutions released the 20 billion parameter version of the InternLM 20B, which is open source and commercially available on the ModelScope of Alibaba Cloud. The Shusheng Puyu Big Model System and the Magic Building Community have established a significant ecological cooperation to jointly promote the ecological construction of China's Big Model...

Domestic large cruise ships will launch their first commercial voyage in 2024, with tickets available from September 20th

Domestic large cruise ships will launch their first commercial voyage in 2024, with tickets available from September 20th

On September 19th, at the "2023 Wusongkou Forum", the first domestically produced large cruise ship "Aida Modu" announced its commercial maiden voyage date, which will depart from Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Port on January 1st, 2024. The maiden voyage tickets will be available from September 20th...

Xihe 2 will strive to be launched in 2026 for three-dimensional exploration of the sun

Xihe 2 will strive to be launched in 2026 for three-dimensional exploration of the sun

At present, China is conducting the demonstration of the "Xihe 2" solar Earth L5 solar exploration project.Studying the SunThe inevitable requirement for achieving sustainable human developmentStudying the SunThe inevitable requirement for achieving sustainable human developmentOn October 14, 2021, China successfully launched its first solar exploration scientific and technological experimental satellite, "Xihe", and has achieved the first batch of exploration results...

Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

Intel Launches Glass Substrate Program: Redefining Chip Packaging and Promoting Moore's Law Progress

On September 18th local time, chip manufacturer Intel announced a significant breakthrough in the development of glass substrates for next-generation advanced packaging.Prior to the Intel 2023 Innovation Conference held in San Jose, California, this week, Intel announced this "milestone like achievement" and stated that it will redefine the boundaries of chip packaging, providing game-changing solutions for data centers, artificial intelligence, and graphics construction, and promoting Moore's Law progress...

DingTalk launches the

DingTalk launches the "Asian Games Boost Limited Edition" logo from blue to purple

On September 19th, a netizen discovered in an app store that the color of the DingTalk app icon has changed from blue to the Asian Games theme color "Rainbow Rhyme Purple". According to official information from DingTalk, the purple icon represents the mobile version of the "Asian Games Support Limited Edition" DingTalk, symbolizing "Purple DingTalk can work" (homophonic: designated can work)...

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

JD Supermarket Launches Weihai Sea Cucumber Special Session with a Lowest Price of 9.9 yuan

On September 18th, the autumn fishing season for sea cucumbers in Weihai began, with over 300 divers successively going into the sea to catch sea cucumbers. At the opening ceremony, the person in charge of the Weihai Sea Cucumber Industry Association stated that it is expected that Weihai Sea Cucumber will achieve a high yield during this autumn harvesting season...

Pioneering the

Pioneering the "Tide" Algorithm, Mu Si Group Launches a New Dimension of Sleep

On September 16, 2023, Muse Group held its 2023 annual strategic press conference at Anaya Gold Coast Beach in Qinhuangdao, marking its first external brand strategy upgrade and release event since its listing. Moose Group has announced 2023 as the year of brand upgrading, empowering brands, products, and services through AI technology and digitization to upgrade their sleep experience in multiple dimensions...

Changerding Rocket Launches Remote Sensing Satellite 39

Changerding Rocket Launches Remote Sensing Satellite 39

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, September 17th (Reporter Fu Yifei) - According to China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, at 12:13 on September 17th, the Long March 2 D carrier rocket ignited and took off at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. Subsequently, the remote sensing 39 satellite was successfully placed into the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success...

Cover Technology  Weekly | Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro Series; Moutai Chocolate sold out in seconds

Cover Technology Weekly | Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro Series; Moutai Chocolate sold out in seconds

Apple Launches iPhone 15Pro SeriesOn September 12th local time, Apple held its annual new product launch and announced the launch of the iPhone 15Pro series, which will use titanium alloy design. The starting prices for iPhone15Pro and iPhone15ProMax are $999 and $1199, respectively...