How strong is Baihetan Dam in China? Achieved 6 world firsts, second only to the Three Gorges Dam after completion

How strong is Baihetan Dam in China? Achieved 6 world firsts, second only to the Three Gorges Dam after completion

Wen/Everything Knowledge BureauEditor/Everything Knowledge BureauIn the Yangtze River basin of our country, there is such a huge hydroelectric power project -Baihetan DamThis project has attracted global attention, from the United States to the United Kingdom, from Germany to Japan, both professional technology media and ordinary news websites are reporting on this news. They marveled at China's strong strength in the field of water conservancy engineering, and marveled at China's determination and actions in the development of green energy...

WeChat only empties the Chat log as it does not delete it. It teaches you the correct cleaning method and frees up the phone space

WeChat only empties the Chat log as it does not delete it. It teaches you the correct cleaning method and frees up the phone space

Just clearing Chat log on WeChat is equal to not deleting it. I will teach you the correct cleaning method...

Why can't the country completely shut down all pornographic websites? Is it due to nature or driven by interests?

Why can't the country completely shut down all pornographic websites? Is it due to nature or driven by interests?

Don't get lost with a little bit of 'follow', more exciting stories that you can receive as soon as possibleThe rapid development of the internet has provided us with more channels for information acquisition and accelerated our information exchange speed, but the internet is a double-edged sword because the world of the internet is diverse and there is no independent filtering function for information itself,Therefore, the internet can not only provide us with effective and valuable information, but also serve as a channel for the dissemination of harmful information.For example, the highly harmful yellow website is the best example...

The richest person in 11 cities in Jiangxi Province has been announced! Let's see who can stand out with a smile!

The richest person in 11 cities in Jiangxi Province has been announced! Let's see who can stand out with a smile!

Jiangxi Province is located in the southeast of China. The whole province is dominated by hills and mountains...

The first half of C929 has been completed offline, CJ2000 is ready, and 2030 is expected to make its first flight!

The first half of C929 has been completed offline, CJ2000 is ready, and 2030 is expected to make its first flight!

Recently, the Russian side once again raised the C929 cooperation project, saying that Russia will not withdraw from this Sino Russian cooperation project, which makes many people wonder if they have always said they want to withdraw from this project? Why do you suddenly want to continue working together? However, later news came out from the Russian side that China would contract and develop the C929 aircraft project, which had withdrawn from cooperation with China. Unfortunately, China had lost Russia as a partner at that time, as Russia still had a lot of technology to learn from in the aviation industry; With the exposure of a series of achievements made by China in C929, it has become clear to everyone that the progress of C929 is about to be realized, and it is no wonder that even if the cooperation is terminated, China needs to independently contract to continue the research and development of the project...

1.1 billion tons of Shale oil found in Jiangsu! Why is there more and more oil, and the world is still talking about oil depletion?

1.1 billion tons of Shale oil found in Jiangsu! Why is there more and more oil, and the world is still talking about oil depletion?

Article 1: Little Meng Loves DreamingEditor | Little Meng Ai DreamsfollowprefaceWith the development of more and more industries, it is clear that oil will one day be used up, so everyone has been trapped in this concern.When the world was troubled by the lack of oil, Sinopec found 1...

Don't let mobile phone packages become routine

Don't let mobile phone packages become routine

I originally intended to offer a low monthly mobile phone package, but was inexplicably purchased a financial contract installment product for zero yuan purchase; Renewing family broadband, but mistakenly opening financial services such as microcredit and pre authorization freezing, it was not until there was a bad credit record or receiving a call from a financial company that I realized that I had been "tricked"....

It turns out that deleting WeChat Moments is so simple. Just click here and you can quickly delete the ones from a few years ago

It turns out that deleting WeChat Moments is so simple. Just click here and you can quickly delete the ones from a few years ago

How can I delete content posted on my Moments? Hello friends, I am Xiaojun. When we play WeChat, we often share some updates and happy things through our social media...

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

Is there such a big difference between WeChat blacklisting and deletion? Increased knowledge

WeChat has always been a frequently used social tool.I don't know if you have this kind of trouble: WeChat friends are getting more and more, and there are also more and more friends with only one horizontal line in their circle of friends...

Announcement of the complete list of electronic sports participants for the Hangzhou Asian Games

Announcement of the complete list of electronic sports participants for the Hangzhou Asian Games

On June 26th, according to a public notice released by the Chinese e-sports national training team, according to the "Selection Plan for the Hangzhou Asian Games e-sports National Team" and the "Recommendation Plan for Participants in the Hangzhou Asian Games e-sports Project", all relevant copyright holders carried out the recommendation work for coaches and athletes of the Hangzhou Asian Games from March 30 to June 9, 2023. A total of 27 coaches signed up for selection, of which 5 coaches were ultimately selected; A total of 125 athletes signed up for the selection, of which 31 were ultimately selected...

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Complete List of Open Source Large Language Models

Large Language Model (LLM) "" AI (prompt)LLM LLM LLMChatGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B General Language Model (GLM) 62 INT4 6GB ChatGLM-6B ChatGLM 1T 62 ChatGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B VisualGLM-6B ChatGLM-6B 62 BLIP2-Qformer 78MOSS MOSS moss-moon 160 FP16 A100/A800 3090 INT4/8 3090 MOSS DB-GPT DB-GPT GPT GPT 100% 100% DB-GPT CPM-Bee CPM-Bee Transformer auto-regressiveCPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee CPM-Bee OpenBMB OpenBMB CPM-Bee OpenBMB CPM-Bee CPM-Bee LaWGPT LaWGPT Chinese-LLaMAChatGLM (Linly) 32*A100 GPU baseline33B Linly-Chinese-LLAMA LLaMA CUDA CPU Huggingface Linly-Chinese-LLaMA LLaMA 7B13B 33B 65B Linly-ChatFlow 400 7B13B Linly-ChatFlow-int4 ChatFlow 4-bit CPU Linly-Chinese-BLOOM BLOOM 7B 175B Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA Chinese-Vicuna LLaMA+Lora finetune CPU ( C++) / / Facebook llama.ckpt Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA & Alpaca Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca LLaMA Alpaca ChatYuan ChatYuan ChatYuan-large-v2 v1 ChatYuan-large-v2 ChatYuan PC INT4 400M GPT HuatuoGPT GPT ChatGPT HuatuoGPT ChatGPT LLaMA (BenTsao) (HuaTuo) LLaMA / (Instruct-tuning) LLaMA-7B GPT3...

"Nepal and AI welcome the future together" | Seventy five generations of Confucius splashed ink on the scene to wish the World Internet Conference digital civilization Nishan dialogue a complete success

On the morning of June 19, when the delegation visited the Confucius Mansion, Kong Xiangsheng, the grandson of the seventy-five generation of Confucius, splashed ink on the spot and wrote two calligraphy works, "World Internet Conference" and "Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization"."First of all, I wish the World Internet Conference Nishan Dialogue on Digital Civilization a complete success...