
The "Golden Week" of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day has come to an end, and China Southern Airlines has reached a historic high in the number of passengers transported in Kyrgyzstan

The eight day Mid Autumn and National Day Double Festival "Super Long Golden Week" has come to an end. The reporter learned from the Jilin branch of China Southern Airlines that from September 29th to October 6th, China Southern Airlines implemented 862 inbound and outbound flights in the Jilin region, ensuring the smooth travel of 117000 passengers, an increase of 12...


2023 "Science is also an idol" short video solicitation activity officially launched online voting

2023 "Science is also an Idol" Short Video Solicitation ActivityReceived over 2200 submissions in totalPreliminary evaluation669 works have been shortlisted for online votingFrom today to October 16thSocial public can click2023 "Science is also an Idol" Theme Work Online VotingEnter the voting pageVote for your favorite workVoting periodUsers can cast 10 votes per dayCan vote continuously on the same workYou can also vote separately for different works in different groupsMake science "trendy" and create new idols of the timesWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and participate in the votingLet's take a video and see how trendy science isListen to what scientists sayAnd vote for the work that most touches youIt is strictly prohibited to swipe tickets in any way during this voting activityOnce verifiedThe organizer will clear invalid votesAnd reserve the right to cancel the selected works as appropriate*The organizer will not demand voting support or advertising under any pretext. Please do not trust text messages or phone calls from unknown channels to avoid fraud...

Attack the

Attack the "Little Giant" | Visual Bits: Give the production line a pair of "smart eyes" and install a "smart brain"

Editor's note:There is a group of enterprises, small in size, but ambitious, possessing unique skills, and wandering the world alone, known as the "little giants". In Changsha, the "little giants" are like stars and moons, deeply cultivating their respective fields and running dark horses in the industry, becoming a dazzling light in the high-quality development of the city's industrial economy...

Huawei has politely declined Foxconn's OEM request and decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Huawei has politely declined Foxconn's OEM request and decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Huawei announced that they politely declined Foxconn's request for OEM and decided to hand over the phone OEM order to BYD. This decision not only deeply regrets Foxconn, but also has caused shock in the technology industry...

Mushroom Car Coupled Autonomous Driving Vehicle Becomes a New

Mushroom Car Coupled Autonomous Driving Vehicle Becomes a New "Online Celebrity Check in Project" in Erhai, Dali

During the National Day holiday, a group of autonomous vehicles in the Erhai Scenic Area of Dali, Yunnan Province became the focus of tourists' attention. This batch of autonomous vehicles includes autonomous buses, autonomous retail vehicles, autonomous cleaning vehicles, etc...

Joint study of Fudan and WHO: the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B has declined in China in the past 50 years, and vaccination has been proved effective

Joint study of Fudan and WHO: the infection rate of chronic hepatitis B has declined in China in the past 50 years, and vaccination has been proved effective

On October 5, 2023, the Journal of Gastrointestinal Tract (Gut) published online the latest achievement of the Chen Xingdong Research Group of the Human Phenotype Group at Fudan University, titled "Changes in Epidemiological Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in China: A Big Data Analysis and Systematic Text Study of 3740 Studies and 231 million People". This study covered 3740 related studies, analyzed the chronic hepatitis B infection status of 230 million people in 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions, Hong Kong and Taiwan in mainland China, and systematically described the epidemiological characteristics of chronic hepatitis B infection in China in the past 50 years...

Huawei declined Foxconn's OEM request! And decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Huawei declined Foxconn's OEM request! And decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Recently, Huawei announced a remarkable decision to hand over mobile phone OEM orders to BYD, marking the beginning of a major technological transformation. For a long time, Foxconn has been Huawei's main OEM factory...

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On October 7, Lotu Technology released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which showed that the cumulative sales volume of China Mobile's smart screen online monitoring market (excluding Tiktok, Kwai and other content e-commerce) from January to August was 66000 units, the sales volume exceeded 280 million yuan, and the average price was 4242 yuan. E-commerce channels have become the main sales channel for mobile smart screens, accounting for over 60% of total channel sales, and some transactions also occur in operators and commercial channels...

In August, Apple led Huawei and Xiaomi in the online market of smart tablets in China, ranking second or third

In August, Apple led Huawei and Xiaomi in the online market of smart tablets in China, ranking second or third

According to the latest report released by Lotu Technology, the online sales of smart tablets in China in August 2023 were 1.02 million units, an increase of 18...

The total investment exceeds hundreds of billions, and how difficult is the Sichuan Tibet Railway? It is at least 10 years before the completion of the entire line

The total investment exceeds hundreds of billions, and how difficult is the Sichuan Tibet Railway? It is at least 10 years before the completion of the entire line

In recent years, China has embarked on a massive project costing hundreds of billions, aimed at strengthening the connection between Tibet and other provinces and regions. This project aims to lay a railway line from the Sichuan region to Tibet, known as the Sichuan Tibet Railway...

Spreading others' privacy, inciting online violence, convicted and sentenced

Spreading others' privacy, inciting online violence, convicted and sentenced

Case Garden Case: Li Yan (pseudonym) is an online anchor. From January to May 2019, Liu Hong (pseudonym) and Li Yan had an emotional dispute...

Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

The works I posted on today's Headlines are all original and first-time. I refuse anyone to transfer them to other platforms for publication in any form...