The 2023 Artificial Intelligence Framework Ecological Summit jointly released the first AI framework ecological initiative

The 2023 Artificial Intelligence Framework Ecological Summit jointly released the first AI framework ecological initiative

On June 16th, the Artificial Intelligence Framework Ecological Summit was held in Shanghai. This summit comprehensively focuses on the development of artificial intelligence framework ecology, promotes innovation in the artificial intelligence industry, explores AI framework ecological models and scenario applications in the context of AI technology innovation and industry integration, and also brings a series of latest developments and achievements in artificial intelligence frameworks at this summit...

Phosphorus, the key element of life, is found on Enceladus

Phosphorus, the key element of life, is found on Enceladus

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Liu Xia) A team led by scientists from the Southwest Research Institute of the United States, using the data provided by the NASA's Cassini probe, detected the key element of life phosphorus in the ocean of Enceladus, which exists in the form of phosphate. The relevant research paper was published in the journal Nature on the 14th...

The fastest star

The fastest star "roars" 2285 kilometers per second

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Liu Xia) According to a report on the website of the British New Scientist on the 14th, scientists from Harvard University in the United States found in a new study that a White dwarf is the fastest moving star in the Milky Way known so far, with a speed of 2285 kilometers per second. This discovery can explain how some supernovae were formed...

Shanxi: Build 500 new research and development institutions by 2025

Shanxi: Build 500 new research and development institutions by 2025

Science and Technology Daily, Taiyuan, June 15 (Reporter Han Rong) The reporter learned from the Department of Science and Technology of Shanxi Province on the 15th that the Carbon based Film Electronics Research Institute of Shanxi Beida and the Energy Internet Research Institute of Shanxi Province have recently passed the accreditation and become the first batch of provincial new research and development institutions in 2023 in Shanxi Province. The relevant person in charge of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology stated that the recognition of two new research and development institutions is an important step towards achieving the construction of 500 new research and development institutions in Shanxi Province by 2025...

Accelerating the Development of the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence (People's Current Review)

Accelerating the Development of the New Generation of Artificial Intelligence (People's Current Review)

Understand questions and provide quick answers; Train your voice and cover classic songs; According to the description, create interesting paintings....

Is e-commerce no longer popular? New consumption models have emerged nationwide!

Is e-commerce no longer popular? New consumption models have emerged nationwide!

When the Online shopping platform was just emerging, many people held a questioning attitude. Now, the development of Online shopping is inextricably linked with everyone's daily life...

The development of the

The development of the "Document Image Tampering Detection Standard" led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology has started

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn June 15th, the China Academy of Information and Communications (hereinafter referred to as the "China Academy of Information and Communications") recently launched the development of the "Document Image Tampering Detection Standard" (hereinafter referred to as the "Standard"), with the aim of providing reliable guarantees for the security of document image content and assisting in the construction of the new era AI security system.This standard is led by the Chinese Academy of Information Technology and Communications, and jointly prepared by Shanghai Hehe Information Technology Co...

Foreign media: AMD Announces New MI300X Chip

Foreign media: AMD Announces New MI300X Chip

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn June 15, it was reported by foreign media that AMD recently announced its upcoming AI chip MI300X, which can speed up the processing speed of generative AI used by Chatbot.It is reported that this chip can support 192GB of memory, while Nvidia's H100 chip only supports 120GB of memory...

Chinese wisdom helps South Africa overcome its power shortage dilemma

Chinese wisdom helps South Africa overcome its power shortage dilemma

Science and Technology Daily, Pretoria, June 13 (Reporter Feng Zhiwen) With the support of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa, the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products, the South Africa China Economic and Trade Association and the South African Investment Agency jointly hosted the China South Africa New Energy Investment Cooperation Conference at Johannesburg Thornton International Convention Center. Chinese Ambassador to South Africa Chen Xiaodong, South African Minister of State owned Enterprises Gordan, and President's Office Minister of Electricity Ramohopa attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches...

Zhang Yong Talks with Siemens CEO Boloren: Without continuous transformation in the AI era, we will fall behind

Zhang Yong Talks with Siemens CEO Boloren: Without continuous transformation in the AI era, we will fall behind

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 14, at the 2023 Siemens Digital Economy Forum, Zhang Yong, Chairman and CEO of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Group and Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Cloud Intelligent Group, held a dialogue with Boleren, Chairman, President and CEO of the Board of Directors of Siemens, around the future of the digital economy. Zhang Yong believes that for any enterprise, no matter where it comes from or how it was born, if it cannot continue to transform in the AI era in the future, it will fall behind in the wave of new technologies...

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

US media: New York City will set the minimum wage for delivery workers as the first in the United States

Reported by Reference News Network on June 13thAccording to the Associated Press on June 13th, officials said this week that New York City will implement a minimum wage for delivery personnel for delivery applications such as Youshi and Doldash, which is the first time in the United States.The report states that this new regulation may nearly double the average income of couriers for such applications in the coming years...

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Fresh e-commerce first stock may be delisted: stock price drops by 99.8%, with 55 full-time employees remaining

Daily Youxian, known as the "first stock of fresh e-commerce", may be delisted from the US stock market. On June 14th, Beijing time, the stock price of Daily Fresh, which was about to delist on the Nasdaq overnight, suffered another heavy drop, closing down 9...