A monkeypox patient in Gamma Cygni is under stable isolation treatment

A monkeypox patient in Gamma Cygni is under stable isolation treatment

On July 6, Tianjin found and reported one suspected case of Monkeypox virus infection through monitoring. The case was tested by the municipal and district centers for disease prevention and control laboratory and rechecked by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the result was positive for Monkeypox virus Nucleic acid test...

Lei Jun, this melon is really funny, hahahaha

Lei Jun, this melon is really funny, hahahaha

#Searching for Digital Critics#Speaking of these two yearsXiaomi flagshipThe momentum is indeed quite strong.Not only domestically, but also in the international market...

How does the

How does the "Crystal ball" buried 700 meters underground capture the magic Neutrino? Ask to the end

Source: CCTV News ClientEvery moment, our bodies are penetrated by tens of thousands of 'invisible substances', yet we are completely unaware of their existence. These "stealth matter" is one of the most basic particles in the material world: Neutrino...

Evaluation method of anti-corrosion performance of Graphene Polyaniline nanocomposites

Evaluation method of anti-corrosion performance of Graphene Polyaniline nanocomposites

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The overall operation of the mechanical industry is improving

The overall operation of the mechanical industry is improving

Beijing, July 7th (Li Xinping, An Yihan) Since the beginning of this year, the overall operation of the mechanical industry has continued to show a positive trend, with improved efficiency and stable exports. From January to May, the mechanical industry achieved a cumulative operating revenue of 11 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10...

The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and stretches for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coal field really formed by plants?

The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and stretches for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coal field really formed by plants?

Although clean energy has been widely used in recent years, coal resources still occupy the majority of the energy structure. It is understood that in 2022, China will consume5...

You make me cook without a pot, I make you cook without rice, chip competition?

You make me cook without a pot, I make you cook without rice, chip competition?

The Ministry of Commerce announced that starting from August 1st, it will control the export of rare metals such as crops and germanium. Any unit or individual must approve the export of these two rare metals to foreign countries and are not allowed to sell them privately...

CRRC's ranking has changed significantly. What does it mean for Zhuzhou to surpass Qingdao Sifang?

CRRC's ranking has changed significantly. What does it mean for Zhuzhou to surpass Qingdao Sifang?

In recent years, China's economy has achieved tremendous achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, with steady progress in reform and innovation. The urban and rural areas have taken on a new look, and China's industry has undergone tremendous changes...

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through "gaps"

Wen | Meeting GodEditor | DaewoofollowSecurity issues are a commonplace issue. Many people, in order to avoid various risks, return to nature...

Wake up with four good news, major breakthroughs in domestic artificial intelligence, and emerging achievements in multiple fields

Wake up with four good news, major breakthroughs in domestic artificial intelligence, and emerging achievements in multiple fields

(The headline of this article is strictly prohibited from being moved, and full network rights protection has been activated)If you like it, you can click on the word "Follow" above. Pay attention to the development of Chinese technology together!When I woke up, I saw four good news in the field of domestic technology and artificial intelligence...

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

A while ago, there was a sensation in the digital industry that Xiaomi India Company was accused of violating local so-called foreign exchange management regulations and being frozen with over 4.8 billion yuan of funds...

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Chang Lei, professor and doctoral supervisor of Suzhou University, is committed to the cross research of Radiobiology and biomechanics. Its research direction focuses on the role of radiation and mechanical microenvironment in tumorigenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, the impact of Micro-g environment and ionizing radiation on embryonic development, and the role of Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis...