The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicits opinions on the proposal for the establishment of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicits opinions on the proposal for the establishment of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)

According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on September 18th, the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the "Preparation Plan for the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)".According to the solicitation draft, the scope of work of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology includes:The post establishment work plan is:...

WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

[World Wide Web Science and Technology Report] On July 8, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference "Metaverse Industrial Innovation Forum" was held in Shanghai. This forum was hosted by Ali Yuanjing...

HTC Huang Zhaoying: The Metaverse is the Next Generation of Internet B-end Applications Starting to Grow

HTC Huang Zhaoying: The Metaverse is the Next Generation of Internet B-end Applications Starting to Grow

On May 30th, at the recently held Zhongguancun Forum, HTC Global Vice President Huang Zhaoying, Global Sales and Marketing Director, stated: The metaverse is the next generation of the internet, which will bring more applications and generate greater economic value than the current internet. We must use technologies such as AR, VR, 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain as the underlying foundation to construct a metaverse ecosystem that includes software, hardware, content, and platforms, further enhancing users' immersive experience, and promoting industrial upgrading in various industries in the metaverseAt this exhibition, HTC showcased the latest XR all-in-one machine - the VIVEXR Elite Set, which features a lightweight and compact body, flexible and variable forms, rich MR functions, diverse content ecology, and the latest standards such as Wi Fi 6E, allowing consumers to embrace the XR experience in multiple settings such as learning, work, and entertainment...

Zhouming Technology Announces Cooperation with Blue Cursor to Explore the Metaverse Industry

Zhouming Technology Announces Cooperation with Blue Cursor to Explore the Metaverse Industry

On May 29th, at the Zhongguancun Forum in Beijing, Zhouming Technology and Blue Cursor Group officially reached a strategic cooperation relationship in the metaverse field. Both parties will cooperate in fields such as metaverse marketing, XR virtual technology, and digital asset construction based on their respective technological, talent, and resource advantages...

The management of metaverse customer groups for banks to

The management of metaverse customer groups for banks to "try out" needs to be deepened

Recently, China Science and Technology Financial Corporation announced that it has won the bid for the Shanghai Bank Yuan Universe Bank project. It is understood that the project will select application scenarios such as wealth management hall, metaverse business hall, and automotive financial services to create a metaverse bank...