Ningbo: Academician Wang Jianyu's Lecture

Ningbo: Academician Wang Jianyu's Lecture "Academician's Lecture" The Third Class Tells the Story of "Mozi"

[Source: China Education News Network]Scientific research is not always as mysterious and full of surprises as imagined. More often than not, it is spent in the agony of not being able to solve problems...

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Ningbo Famous Supermarket Announces Store Closure! Netizens regret that they won't be able to sustain themselves in just 8 years

Recently, some netizens revealed that Wumart's Beilun Intime store is about to close!According to the closed store announcement, the supermarket will stop operating externally on the evening of October 20th. Currently, the products in the store are also being cleared for sale, making it the second supermarket in Beilun to close its store...


Typhoon "Dussuri" Attacks Ningbo Coastal Waters and Enters Level IV Typhoon Protection

Ningbo, China Central Radio Network, July 23 (reporter Yu Ye, correspondent Zhang Jie) At 11:00 on July 23, the 5th typhoon of this year, "Du Surui", was located at 14.8 degrees north latitude and 128...