Alipay Launches NFC Tap-and-Pay Feature, Revolutionizing Mobile Payments

Alipay Launches NFC Tap-and-Pay Feature, Revolutionizing Mobile Payments

Alipay Launches NFC Tap-and-Pay Feature, Revolutionizing Mobile Payments The Rise of Convenience and Security in Mobile Payment The mobile payments landscape is constantly evolving, driven by consumers' growing demand for seamless and secure transactions. Alipay, a leading mobile payment platform, recognizes this need and is actively pushing the boundaries of payment technology...

Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

Title: Boosting Payment Convenience for Outbound Tourists, Ant Group Drives Inbound Consumption Growth

In recent years, a series of Chinese government policies aimed at promoting inbound tourism have led to a steady increase in the number of foreign visitors to China. At the same time, under the guidance of the People's Bank of China (PBOC), domestic institutions have continuously rolled out initiatives to improve the payment convenience for foreigners visiting China, further driving the growth of inbound consumption...

Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Why are large domestic supermarkets closing down one after another, and Sam's Supermarket, which only pays to enter, is opening more and more?

Large domestic supermarkets are closing down one after another, but why is Sam's supermarket, which pays to consume, opening more and more? Why is Pangdonglai deeply loved by people, but still unable to leave Henan?According to statistics, in 2022, at least 1138 stores of domestic supermarkets will be closed, and Gome Retail, Lianhua, Red Flag Chain, Carrefour, Wal Mart will not be spared. Once a large supermarket was cheap, with a wide range of products, all goods can be seen and touched, and you can buy all daily necessities once, which is very popular...

Apple will pay $1.8 million in settlement to resolve gift card class action lawsuit

Apple will pay $1.8 million in settlement to resolve gift card class action lawsuit

On November 10th, according to foreign media, Apple has agreed to pay a settlement fee of $1.8 million to compensate consumers who purchased eligible gift cards between March 2018 and July 2020 but were unable to redeem them due to theft and unauthorized use...

WeChat Payment and Three Major Operators Realize Barcode Payment Interconnection

WeChat Payment and Three Major Operators Realize Barcode Payment Interconnection

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On November 10th, WeChat Pay officially announced that it has completed the interconnection and interoperability with barcode payment platforms under the three major communication operators, including China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom. Users can complete payment by scanning their WeChat payment personal payment code through China Mobile's "Hebao App", China Telecom's "Yi Payment App", and China Unicom's "Wo Wallet App"...

China enters the NFC payment era: bid farewell to QR codes and welcome new technologies

China enters the NFC payment era: bid farewell to QR codes and welcome new technologies

With the continuous progress of technology and the increasing popularity of mobile payments, China's payment methods are undergoing a revolution. Recently, the People's Bank of China announced that it will promote new payment methods in order to bid farewell to QR codes and welcome the era of NFC payment...

Goodbye, QR code! The People's Bank of China officially announced that Alipay and WeChat came so soon

Goodbye, QR code! The People's Bank of China officially announced that Alipay and WeChat came so soon

The People's Bank of China recently announced that Alipay and WeChat payment will usher in a profound change. This measure aims to gradually phase out QR code payment methods and promote more efficient, convenient, and secure payment methods...

Another 44 billion in penalties! Da Jiang 80% of chips rely on imports from the United States, dare not pay skyrocketing fines?

Another 44 billion in penalties! Da Jiang 80% of chips rely on imports from the United States, dare not pay skyrocketing fines?

Your drone technology has infringed on my patent, and you must pay me a huge fine! "The arrogant and domineering United States has recently challenged China's private technology enterprise, Dajiang, to pay a whopping $44 billion fine. If not delivered, it is prohibited for DJI to sell products in the US market...

Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

Petal payment is here! Does Huawei want to compete with Alipay WeChat?

The renaming of Huawei payment institutions has attracted strong market attention. Recently, the central bank website showed that it has agreed to change the company name of Huawei's payment company Shenzhen Xunlian Zhifu Network Co...

Public misconception: Is using Gaode and Baidu Maps free? Actually, I have to pay every day

Public misconception: Is using Gaode and Baidu Maps free? Actually, I have to pay every day

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Another e-commerce platform crashed, and customers cried,

Another e-commerce platform crashed, and customers cried, "I lost all the down payment I left for my child

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Liu Qiangdong was arrested again for prostitution? JD: Rumors, we will make the rumormongers pay the price!

Liu Qiangdong was arrested again for prostitution? JD: Rumors, we will make the rumormongers pay the price!

Our east brother was arrested again in Beijing for prostitution? One stone language stirred up a thousand waves, and as soon as this information was released online, it immediately caused a huge uproar. JD Public Relations immediately stepped forward to urgently refute the rumor:Regarding the online rumor that a JD executive surnamed Liu was arrested in Beijing for engaging in prostitution, this information is rumor and seriously damages JD's image...