A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events:

A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events:

A Quick Look at Major Domestic and International Events: Friday, August 30, 2024, the 27th day of the 7th lunar month. What noteworthy events happened today? Let's take a look!1...

  Heart-pounding Guardians: Unveiling the Safety Truth Behind

Heart-pounding Guardians: Unveiling the Safety Truth Behind "Robo-Quick Run"

Heart-pounding Guardians: Unveiling the Safety Truth Behind "Robo-Quick Run"Autonomous driving technology is advancing rapidly, bringing convenience to people's lives, but its safety is also a major concern. While we enjoy the convenience brought by autonomous driving, few people realize that behind the technological wave, a group of unsung "guardians" are safeguarding our travel safety...

"Carrot Quick Run": 3.9 Yuan for 10 Kilometers, What Secrets Lie Behind It?

"Carrot Quick Run": 3.9 Yuan for 10 Kilometers, What Secrets Lie Behind It?In recent years, the development of autonomous driving technology has been in full swing, and "Carrot Quick Run", the autonomous taxi service under Baidu, has become a focus of public attention...


Wuhan's "Radish Quick Run": The Ride-Hailing Revolution Driven by Driverless Taxis

Wuhan's "Radish Quick Run": The Ride-Hailing Revolution Driven by Driverless TaxisIn the vibrant and innovative city of Wuhan, an unprecedented revolution in transportation is quietly unfolding. Driverless taxis, branded as "Radish Quick Run," have swept through every corner of the city like a lightning bolt, captivating residents with their technological charm and disruptive advantages...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Title: Changes in the Semiconductor Industry and the New Pattern of Global Technology CompetitionOn today's global technology stage, the semiconductor industry is not only the focus of national strategic competitions, but also a key field in commercial competition. Chinese technology companies, represented by Huawei, have emerged in this war without gunpowder, triggering a profound reflection on the balance of technological power and future trends worldwide...

From exhibits to products, CIIE helps medical device enterprises quickly land in the Chinese market

From exhibits to products, CIIE helps medical device enterprises quickly land in the Chinese market

In Hall 7, its theme is the Medical Devices and Healthcare Exhibition Area, which is also one of the few exhibition areas at this year's CIIE that can showcase the synergy of the industrial chain.It is understood that during the CIIE, Yum! Medical Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Medtronic to deepen cooperation on the full range of ultrasound products, providing more comprehensive and accurate integrated diagnosis and treatment solutions for clinical practice...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

For a better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow'.Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quicklyFour years ago, Huawei's rise in the field of technology caught the attention of American technology giants, and its innovative capabilities posed a huge threat to American technology hegemony...

Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

Quick news! Quick news! Before 17:58 pm on October 30th, four social events occurred in China

First thing: Civil Aviation Administration: Encourage aviation companies to provide more preferential policies for students to purchase ticketsRecently, the Civil Aviation Administration of China expressed its concern and support for the student community on online platforms. This measure is a response to the suggestion of netizens to "launch discounted student airfare"...

OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

Hydrogen OS: Interaction remains small and beautifulFarewell to the previous reliance on the system, OnePlus OS has gained its own recognition in the trend of flat UI, highlighting the small and beautiful life of OnePlus phones, and the overall experience is very lightweight.The main impressive features of the homepage of HydrogenOS are the hydrogen window and striped weather status bar that allow for photo replacement...

China Unicom has quickly supported Huawei with billions of orders, no longer afraid of being suppressed and sanctioned for selling mobile phones!

China Unicom has quickly supported Huawei with billions of orders, no longer afraid of being suppressed and sanctioned for selling mobile phones!

China Unicom quickly supports Huawei with billions of orders, no longer afraid of being suppressed and sanctioned for selling mobile phones!Recently, China Unicom issued a bidding announcement to purchase 690000 stations (sets) of 5G equipment for the construction, renovation, upgrading, expansion of the network and related supporting materials and services (the above scale is estimated). The bidding amount is 402...

Honor put down the shelf, 4nm flagship core+256GB+4800mAh, and quickly lowered 2100

Honor put down the shelf, 4nm flagship core+256GB+4800mAh, and quickly lowered 2100

When switching phones, most people may have the same concern: "How many years should I buy a flagship phone to last? Or do I switch to a cheap thousand yuan phone every year?" From my personal experience, I don't recommend buying a thousand yuan phone now because the configuration and optimization are not the same level as a flagship phone. More importantly, most flagship phones have lowered their prices and are not much more expensive than thousand yuan phones, Why choose a thousand yuan machine with a poor user experience when you can buy flagship products at a lower price?If you don't know which flagship has a higher cost-effectiveness, then the glory introduced today may satisfy you!This flagship is the high-end model of the Honor brand, but since the Honor Magic5 series has already been launched, the price reduction has been very significant since it became an old model...

When charging, plug in the phone or charger first? These wrong charging methods can cause the phone to break down quickly!

When charging, plug in the phone or charger first? These wrong charging methods can cause the phone to break down quickly!

For many people in modern society, the amount of battery left on their mobile phones is a 'life threatening' issue.The strong demand for mobile phone charging has also given rise to many gimmicks on the market: wireless charging, double speed charging, and high-energy power banks that can be used continuously for a week...