Can't even watch the news broadcast without charging? People's Daily issues an article, tearing down the cover cloth of TV manufacturers

Can't even watch the news broadcast without charging? People's Daily issues an article, tearing down the cover cloth of TV manufacturers

Wen | Five Year TreasureEditor | Five Year TreasureBefore reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollow, which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your supportprefacestayIn the 1980s, television could be considered a "luxury item",Having a TV set at home indicates that the family has good financial conditions...

Start shield tunneling for the longest underwater road tunnel

Start shield tunneling for the longest underwater road tunnel

On June 30th, workers monitored and maintained the operation of the shield tunneling machine in the service tunnel.The reporter learned from China Railway Construction Corporation Co...

Facts have proven that Jack Ma, who settled in Japan at the age of 59, has embarked on another

Facts have proven that Jack Ma, who settled in Japan at the age of 59, has embarked on another "grand road"

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as bring you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

VIA: There is no road in life that goes for nothing

VIA: There is no road in life that goes for nothing

Live e-commerce, as Weiya's favorite career, once compared e-commerce anchors to building a bridge that connects merchants and fans on both sides. The bridge cannot be broken, and she cannot stop spinning...

Alibaba International Station introduces new technology to enable foreign trade workers to start broadcasting at their workstations

Alibaba International Station introduces new technology to enable foreign trade workers to start broadcasting at their workstations

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On June 27th, data released by Alibaba International Station showed that the opening hours of each day in May this year increased by 66% year-on-year, and the number of overseas viewers increased by 186% year-on-year. The popularity of this round of cross-border live streaming is related to a series of new technologies applied behind it...

Progress in research on broad-spectrum disease resistance genes in rice in China

Progress in research on broad-spectrum disease resistance genes in rice in China

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, June 15 (Reporter Li Wei, Xiong Xianghe) The reporter learned from Huazhong Agricultural University that Professor Li Guotian's team had discovered a new rice broad-spectrum disease resistance gene RBL12. The field experiment results showed that RBL12 could recover about 40% of the yield loss in the case of rice blast disease in the field...