Voyager Spacecraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Space Exploration

Voyager Spacecraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Space Exploration

Voyager Spacecraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Space ExplorationSpace exploration has been a prominent topic throughout human history. Since the last century, humanity has embarked on various space explorations, among which the "Voyager Spacecraft" project stands out as one of the most renowned endeavors...

 China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New Heights

China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New Heights

China's Cargo Spacecraft: Leading in Payload Capacity, Driving Space Exploration to New HeightsCrewed spacecraft typically have short-term missions, mainly focused on transporting astronauts into space and safely bringing them back to Earth. Cargo spacecraft, on the other hand, shoulder more critical and enduring tasksproviding continuous supply for space stations...

 Russia's Soyuz MS-25 Spacecraft Launches Three-Person Crew to International Space Station

Russia's Soyuz MS-25 Spacecraft Launches Three-Person Crew to International Space Station

Moscow, March 23 - Russia's Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft lifted off on a Soyuz-2.1a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:36 p...

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

The Great Contribution of Astronauts: The Cost and Achievements of Exploring the UniverseThe exploration of the universe by humans has always been a fascinating topic.Whether it's the lunar landing program, the International Space Station, or recent space exploration missions, the mysteries of the universe attract scientists and astronauts to conduct countless experiments and explorations one after another...

Why would a spacecraft go through the atmosphere at high speed, regardless of the cost of burning, when it returns to Earth?

Why would a spacecraft go through the atmosphere at high speed, regardless of the cost of burning, when it returns to Earth?

Crossing the black barrier is the most dangerous moment for astronauts returning to Earth, and this area is also known as the black barrier. During this process, the exterior of the return capsule will be burned red due to high-speed friction...

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Editor | Can Ya Wen ShiPicture and Text | Can Ya Wen ShiPreface:On October 31st, the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully arrived in Beijing, butThe burnt black return capsuleBut it has attracted huge controversy from netizens.What's even more strange is that recentlyThe return capsule salvaged from the water in India was actually intact,There is no sign of being burnt at all...

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 8:11 am on October 31, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 16 manned flight mission was a complete success...

How dazzling is the sun captured by the

How dazzling is the sun captured by the "Xihe" spacecraft?

Recently, the Solar Science Data Center of Nanjing University released some observational data from the "Xihe" spacecraft.Xihe "is China's first solar exploration satellite launched on October 14, 2021...

How difficult is it for female astronaut Wang Yaping of Shenzhou 13 to walk outside the spacecraft? The sacrifice is too great to be admirable

How difficult is it for female astronaut Wang Yaping of Shenzhou 13 to walk outside the spacecraft? The sacrifice is too great to be admirable

On November 7, 2021 at 20:28, Wang Yaping, the only female astronaut on the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft, dressed in a specially designed golden striped spacesuit, stepped into space from the cabin door.She is the first female astronaut in the history of Chinese aviation to walk in space, taking the first step of a Chinese female spacewalk...

Are 7 astronauts in danger? The International Space Station has leaked again! Can the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft be used for rescue

Are 7 astronauts in danger? The International Space Station has leaked again! Can the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft be used for rescue

The International Space Station is having problems again! According to information released by the Russian Space Agency, on Monday, a coolant leak occurred in the multi-functional experimental module of the Russian "Science" spacecraft connected to the International Space Station, with a large amount of coolant sprayed into outer space from the spare radiator pipeline.At that time, NASA staff called out to the astronauts of the International Space Station, asking them to look out of the station's window and see if there were snowflake like objects floating outside...

In 1971, the Soviet spacecraft returned to Earth and the hatch was opened, only to find that three astronauts had died

In 1971, the Soviet spacecraft returned to Earth and the hatch was opened, only to find that three astronauts had died

Before reading this article, could you please click on the red oneFollowThe button not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Text | Blue Hat DuckEdit | Blue Hat DuckOn June 30, 1971, it was a very special day for the Soviet people, even for billions of compatriots around the world...