The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

The site selection of Guangzhou South Station is too biased and controversial: why didn't it move 5 kilometers north or introduce Haizhu District back then?

One view is that many people criticize the site selection of Guangzhou South Station as too biased, but in fact, there were not many large areas in the old urban area and Tianhe for high-speed rail construction at that time. If you insist, it's the area around Guangzhou University City, but in reality, it's also quite biased...

The steel truss roof of the North Station Building of Changde Station has been successfully lifted! Appearance design prototype display

The steel truss roof of the North Station Building of Changde Station has been successfully lifted! Appearance design prototype display

Replay suspend 00:04 / 00:30 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Construction site.The appearance design of the North Station Building of Changde Station, featuring "Peach Blossoms Blooming and Wuling Soaring", is emerging in its embryonic form...

Staying at Changbai Mountain Station for 22 years: Scientific researchers are happy to see wildlife expand their

Staying at Changbai Mountain Station for 22 years: Scientific researchers are happy to see wildlife expand their "living circle"

Changbai Mountain, September 18th (Xinhua) (Lv Shengnan, Zhang Mohan) "This is a sample plot we have in the original broad-leaved Korean pine forest, with around 200 to 300 trees over 200 years old per hectare. All trees in the sample plot have been listed, and we will conduct surveys such as measuring breast diameter and marking positions, and retest every 5 years to record the development and changes of the forest...

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

On September 15th, the reporter learned from State Power Investment Group Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Development Co., Ltd...

Guangzhou officially closed down! Goodbye, Guangzhou, this century old railway station!

Guangzhou officially closed down! Goodbye, Guangzhou, this century old railway station!

Introduction: Official shutdown! Goodbye, Guangzhou, this century old railway station! Click on the above to follow the account and track # Guangzhou Convenience Information#At 3:30 am on September 13thGuangzhou Baiyun Station Hub Project Guangzhou HubThe new station type of the Beijing Guangzhou line station has been successfully launchedThe century old railway station next to Baiyun StationThe good news isAccelerate the construction of Guangzhou Baiyun StationSprint towards opening up and operationTangxi Station officially withdrew from the historical stage913330350210Guangzhou Baiyun Station Hub Project Guangzhou HubGuangzhou Baiyun StationGuangzhou Baiyun StationThis station renovation construction involves 16 locations, including Guangzhou Station, Tangxi Station, Dalang Station, Guangzhou Beipu Expressway Station, Guotang Station, Jianggaozhen Station, Jiangcun Downward Arrival Yard, Jiangcun Downward Dispatching Yard, Jiangcun Downward Departure Yard, Jiangcun Upward Arrival Yard, Jiangcun Upward Marshalling Yard, Jiangcun Upward Departure Yard, Guangzhou West Station, Guangzhou International Port Station, Guangzhou East Station, and Shipai Intercity Yard.Guangzhou Baiyun StationTangxi Station officially withdrew from the historical stageGuangzhou Baiyun StationAt the same time, with the last station renovation and lockdown construction, and the issuance of dispatch orders, Tangxi Station was officially renamed as Guangzhou Baiyun StationGuangzhou Hub Station: Refers to the management station that is unified and managed by Guangzhou Station (including passenger technology station) and Guangzhou Baiyun Beijing Plaza from Guangzhou regional stations...

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin - Qinghai Laxiwa Hydropower Station has officially entered the production and operation stage

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin - Qinghai Laxiwa Hydropower Station has officially entered the production and operation stage

On September 15th, the reporter learned from State Power Investment Group Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Development Co., Ltd...

Vice President of Weilai responded that

Vice President of Weilai responded that "some Charging station are closed to other car owners"

On July 23, IT Home reported that Shen Fei, Vice President of Weilai, sent a message on Weibo to respond to the issue that "some Charging station are not open to other car owners", expressing his suggestions and requirements for the team:Priority service is good, and there is nothing wrong with NIO users.Find more refined ways to cater to more non NIO users,,...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Xinhuo Plan  Sichuan Station Successfully Launched, Helping 100 Million Good Things Come out of Sichuan

Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Xinhuo Plan Sichuan Station Successfully Launched, Helping 100 Million Good Things Come out of Sichuan

On July 20th, the "Good Things Come out of Sichuan, Xin is in Tianfu" and the Xinhuo Plan of Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Activity, Sichuan Station's Agricultural Assistance Live Broadcast, were held in Chengdu. Xinxuan's anchor Egg Egg helped Sichuan Haowu's sales exceed 100 million, allowing Sichuan merchants and fruit farmers present to witness the new energy of digital economy promoting consumption upgrading and rural revitalization...

In the first half of the year, China has built and opened a total of 2.937 million 5G base stations

In the first half of the year, China has built and opened a total of 2.937 million 5G base stations

On the 19th, the State Administration for Industry and Information Technology held a press conference on the development of industry and information technology in the first half of 2023. Zhao Zhiguo, spokesperson and chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced at the meeting that in the first six months, telecommunications business revenue increased by 6...

The largest hydropower station in China! Why is the installed capacity nearly three times that of the Three Gorges being fully opposed by Indians?

The largest hydropower station in China! Why is the installed capacity nearly three times that of the Three Gorges being fully opposed by Indians?

#Everything we see and get is very scientific#TibetKnown asThe Asian Water TowerDue to its uniqueterrainandenvironmental resource Multiple rivers such as the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River have been nurtured, and China has also built multiple hydropower stations along these rivers. The most well-known among Chinese people isChina's largest hydropower station - Three Gorges Hydropower Station...

Why can the barrage on Station B not block characters? What do you think of Yuan Fang?

Why can the barrage on Station B not block characters? What do you think of Yuan Fang?

The emergence of bullet screen non blocking technology actually provides a better viewing experience for everyone.Students are definitely familiar with barrage, which is one of the important manifestations of community culture...