The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

With the continuous development of technology, intelligence has become a new trend in the development of electronic products. In the upcoming Double Eleven Shopping Carnival, many consumers also want to take the opportunity to update their "electronic equipment"...

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

Science and Technology Daily reporter Wu Chunxin Correspondent Sun Juan and Yu YifeiOn October 21st, the Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Forum, a parallel forum of the "East Lake Forum," was held in Wuhan, Hubei. The "Global Enterprise Innovation Index Report 2023" was first released, comprehensively analyzing new trends in global enterprise development from three dimensions: knowledge creation, technological innovation, and innovation collaboration...

Analysis of salary trends in the Internet industry represented by Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, Kwai and Byte

Analysis of salary trends in the Internet industry represented by Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, Kwai and Byte

The article collects relevant data and analyzes the salary trends of mainstream enterprises in the internet industry in fields such as e-commerce, social media, and life services, providing reference for job seekers and industry researchers# High tech world top 500#The per capita annual salary of the internet industry is 433300 yuan, with the highest being in the social media sector, with a per capita annual salary of 9112000 yuan, followed by the audio and video industry, gaming industry, and comprehensive e-commerce industry.The average annual salary in the e-commerce field is 262800 yuan...

Technology helps showcase new trends

Technology helps showcase new trends

At the parallel forum of "Technology Empowerment: Development Opportunities and Risk Response" at the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, participants focused on themes such as high-quality development of the cultural industry in the context of the digital economy, empowering the construction of a cultural power through mobile communication technology, opportunities and responses for the development of audio-visual media, publishing industry under new technological conditions, technology supporting high-quality development of culture, and reshaping the new development of network culture through generative artificial intelligence models, Multidimensional interpretation of new changes and achievements in technology empowering the high-quality development of the cultural industry, as well as new paths and trends in cultural and technological integration.Currently, fragmented and entertaining information content and cultural consumption are widely popular, while publishing characterized by serious and in-depth reading is at a disadvantage...

Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference

Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 11thQuestion: Accelerating Artificial Intelligence into People's Lives - Looking at New Industry Trends from the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology ConferenceXinhua News Agency reporter Wei DonghuaAn intelligent biomimetic hand that can make flexible movements according to brain commands, helping patients with limb loss rebuild their hand motor function; The agricultural pesticide spraying robot that can learn can operate automatically under harsh conditions such as rain, snow, and low visibility; Pet type robots can accompany the elderly and children, and engage in emotional communication with warmthAt the 2023 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, various concepts and products of artificial intelligence have attracted a lot of attention. Participating experts have discussed the topic of artificial intelligence and described the future development prospects...