Procurement of 3 billion boxes in the next three years, signing contracts with 7 French companies at the Ma Jin Expo

Procurement of 3 billion boxes in the next three years, signing contracts with 7 French companies at the Ma Jin Expo

On November 6th, at the Sino French agricultural and food enterprise exchange and docking meeting organized by the Ministry of Commerce, "From French Farms to Chinese Dining Tables," Hema signed cooperation agreements with a total of 7 well-known enterprises from France. The procurement amount of French goods in the next three years will reach 3 billion...

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

China Discovered the World's Largest Oil Field! Has the daily production reached 8200 tons? Where exactly is the place located

As early as 2017, a huge conglomerate oil and gas field called Mahu Oilfield was discovered in the Xinjiang region of China, with reserves reaching tens of billions of tons. This news has not only attracted widespread attention domestically, but also sparked heated discussions internationally...

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

Li Jiaqi's team, the investment attraction specialist of Meiwei Company, has received over a million yuan in profit fees, and the company has responded

On the evening of November 4th, Li Jiaqi's company @ MeiONE issued a statement in response to the statement that "the investment promotion specialist has received over a million yuan in profit fees". The statement reads as follows:Recently, Meijing (Shanghai) Network Technology Co...

The instant gold medal H6 electric vehicle with a range of 500 miles, some people don't believe it, but it has actually been tested and achieved

The instant gold medal H6 electric vehicle with a range of 500 miles, some people don't believe it, but it has actually been tested and achieved

The range of electric vehicles has always been a top concern for people. Traditional electric vehicles have limited range and require frequent charging during long-distance driving, resulting in high waiting time and cost for charging...

Foxconn's latest update: Unexpected events attract attention!

Foxconn's latest update: Unexpected events attract attention!

Foxconn denies being thoroughly investigated and needs to pay 180 billion yuan in taxes, calling online rumors rumors rumors and demanding that netizens distinguish right from wrong, not believe rumors, and reserves the right to pursue accountability. Previously, the tax department conducted tax inspections on Foxconn's enterprises in Guangdong, Jiangsu, and other places, while the natural resources department conducted investigations on their land use in Henan, Hubei, and other places...


Industrial "Smart Manufacturing" Joins Double 11 Taobao and Tmall Industrial Product Sales Increase 42% YoY in Four Hours

At 8 pm on October 31st, Tmall Double 11 officially opened for sale. According to official data, the sales momentum of Taobao Tmall industrial products is rapid, with four hours on its first day of sale and a year-on-year increase of 42% in sales...

Build a arsenal for dealing with super bacteria

Build a arsenal for dealing with super bacteria

The World Tide of Technological InnovationReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperTraditional antibiotics can cause bacteria to develop resistance, which can cause normal doses of antibiotics to no longer exert their expected bactericidal effects or even render drugs ineffective, posing an increasingly serious threat to people's health. In 2019, the "super bacteria" that developed resistance to antibiotics directly caused approximately 1...

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Sacrifice too much! Astronauts returning to Earth are prohibited from having children? Liu Yang and Wang Yaping have already explained through actions

Shenzhou 16Return,The online coverage of this matter can be said to be overwhelming.But some reports also need to be viewed rationally...

Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the

Guiyang Gui'an held a special investment promotion meeting, focusing on the "seven major industries" such as advanced equipment manufacturing and new energy vehicles

On October 28th, the Guiyang Gui'an Special Investment Promotion Conference was held at the Guiyang International Ecological Conference Center, focusing on the "seven major industries" of Guiyang Gui'an and inviting entrepreneurs to participate in cooperation.This promotion conference is one of the series of activities of the Guizhou Conference on Digital Transformation to Promote High Quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry and the China Top 500 Machinery Research Report Release Conference...

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Global Times Global Network Comprehensive ReportOn the 26th local time, the 2023 International Forum on Green Design and Green Manufacturing (Berlin) and the Dialogue on Green Transformation and Climate Change were held in Berlin, Germany. More than 30000 political and business professionals, scholars, and industry representatives from more than ten countries, including China, Germany, the United States, Italy, Georgia, France, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, participated in the conference through offline and online means, jointly exploring, exchanging, and conspiring for green development around the theme of "green design, green world"...

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

Digital technology drives the accelerated development of manufacturing industry

In the first three quarters, the cumulative traffic of mobile internet reached 218.8 billion GB, a year-on-year increase of 14...

The Great Leap Forward of Indian Chips: Without a history of chip manufacturing, we aim to build India's

The Great Leap Forward of Indian Chips: Without a history of chip manufacturing, we aim to build India's "semiconductor city"

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