Musk was revealed to have almost shed tears at Tesla's third quarter financial report meeting

Musk was revealed to have almost shed tears at Tesla's third quarter financial report meeting

According to a report by foreign media on October 23, after Tesla released its third quarter financial report for 2023, several major Wall Street firms have lowered Tesla's valuation.Financial analyst Kevin Pavras revealed that during Tesla's earnings conference call, its CEO Elon Musk acted like a "little baby", almost crying at one point...

Yichang almost became the capital of the province, preparing for the Three Gorges Province for over a year. Why was it stillborn?

Yichang almost became the capital of the province, preparing for the Three Gorges Province for over a year. Why was it stillborn?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

In the era of the Internet, there are many companies that have come from behind to take the lead. JD...

Is it better to charge your phone with half of its battery remaining, or is it better to charge it again when it's almost dead? Why?

Is it better to charge your phone with half of its battery remaining, or is it better to charge it again when it's almost dead? Why?

Wen | Whale Exploration OfficeEditor | Whale Exploration AgencyJust charge up and go outThis sentence must be very familiar to everyone.Before we go out, we usually check the battery level of our phones first,Some people feel insecure when their phones are not fully charged and they go out...

Spending 37 billion yuan but with almost no cars on the road, why does no one dare to walk on the desolate Jingxin Expressway?

Spending 37 billion yuan but with almost no cars on the road, why does no one dare to walk on the desolate Jingxin Expressway?

Expenditures in China37 billion yuanAfter the construction of the highway was opened to traffic, almost no vehicles could be seen driving. Despite spending a lot of money, it has become the loneliest highway...

This year's Nobel Prize winning alma mater almost closed because

This year's Nobel Prize winning alma mater almost closed because

Source: Global Times New MediaOn October 3rd, French physicist Pierre Agostini and two others won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics. Coincidentally, on the day after he won the prize, his alma mater, Axel Marseille University, was forced to declare its closure for a week due to a large number of drug trafficking gangs surrounding the campus...

Two women ordering food by the riverside, the delivery boy almost collapsed when looking for someone! The platform responded

Two women ordering food by the riverside, the delivery boy almost collapsed when looking for someone! The platform responded

On July 17th, the topic of "two women camping and ordering takeout by the river collapsed" sparked heated discussions. In the afternoon of that day, the staff of the involved delivery platform told reporters that the order of the involved delivery rider was still being verified...

Three mobile phones currently available for purchase with closed eyes: almost zero negative reviews, covering three levels: low, medium, and high

Three mobile phones currently available for purchase with closed eyes: almost zero negative reviews, covering three levels: low, medium, and high

Currently, there are three mobile phones that can be purchased with closed eyes: almost zero negative reviews, covering three levels: low, medium, and high.RedmiNote11ProRedmiNote11ProMTK92050E2 ProAMOLEDRedmiNote11Pro4500mAh120WRedmiNote11Pro30001600 1800200NFC5GRed Rice K60The Hongmi K60 is a cost-effective phone with excellent performance and functionality...