How to prevent and treat the

How to prevent and treat the "mobile phone disease" caused by "internet addiction in the elderly" by staying up late to watch videos and live streaming?

Source: Taiwan Strait NetworkOn October 24th, Taiwan Strait News reported that "addicted to the internet, unable to extricate oneself!" Previously, this was about children; Nowadays, it's about the elderly. My parents came to Xiamen to see me...

The Interleaving of Reality and Fantasy: The Technological Ethics Storm Caused by Jiaowa

The Interleaving of Reality and Fantasy: The Technological Ethics Storm Caused by Jiaowa

In this rapidly developing technological era, artificial intelligence and biomimetic humans are gradually becoming the focus of discussion. In recent years, a series of film and television works represented by "Black Mirror" and "Western World" have emerged in Europe and America, deeply exploring the mysteries of this field...

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

Strike caused a loss of $200 million for General Motors in the third quarter

According to foreign media reports, a spokesperson for General Motors recently stated that the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike, which began on September 15th, caused approximately $200 million in losses to General Motors in the third quarter.The UAW is striking General Motors, Ford, and Stanlantis, marking the first time in its history that the union has simultaneously struck three major union automakers in the United States...


Apple's "Braid" customer service has caused controversy, and the image is still on the official website

Apple company is in trouble!Recently, on the Apple Watch page on the official website, a Specialist expert online helped you select customer service image images one-on-one, which caused dissatisfaction among many netizens. Especially, the character image in the image had a "braid", and many netizens said, "This braid really makes me feel full of maliceImage of Apple's "Braid" customer service...

Hisense's after-sales service needs to replace the motherboard for 600 to 700 yuan, and the customer repaired it for 25 yuan themselves. The customer complained that the video caused a stir

Hisense's after-sales service needs to replace the motherboard for 600 to 700 yuan, and the customer repaired it for 25 yuan themselves. The customer complained that the video caused a stir

Hisense has become famous now, but what it produces is not a good name.The cause of the incident was that a Hisense customer had a blue screen on their TV, and then called Hisense's after-sales service to inspect it at their doorstep...

Xiaomi caused trouble in India! Being fined 4.8 billion yuan and large-scale layoffs, the Indian government is angry!

Xiaomi caused trouble in India! Being fined 4.8 billion yuan and large-scale layoffs, the Indian government is angry!

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