Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

Launching 32 satellites in 6 years, digging canals for 330 billion yuan? Defrauded the country of 28 billion yuan and has now lost contact

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Zhejiang: Hangzhou Wenzhou Railway Begins to Erect Contact Lines

Zhejiang: Hangzhou Wenzhou Railway Begins to Erect Contact Lines

On that day, the first overhead contact line of the Yiwu Wenzhou section of the Hangzhou Wenzhou Railway (Hangzhou Wenzhou High Speed Railway) Phase I project began to be erected.After the completion of the Hangzhou Wenzhou Railway, it will effectively improve the national high-speed railway transportation network, enhance the regional trunk high-speed railway network, and further construct the "1-hour transportation circle" in Zhejiang Province...

Suspected human remains have been found and a salvage plan is being developed | Follow up on Han Ting's underwater loss of contact

Suspected human remains have been found and a salvage plan is being developed | Follow up on Han Ting's underwater loss of contact

Source: Guangxi News ChannelThis morningUnderwater intelligent robots begin to operate in the Jiudun overflow skylight groupConduct underwater rescueThe maximum depth of the robot into the water is 300 metersIt is understood that this afternoon, the underwater intelligent robotAbout 110 meters underwaterSearch for targets with suspected human remainsThe search and rescue team is developing further salvage plansOn the morning of October 8th, a report was received from the public stating that renowned diver Han Ting was diving through the skylight in Jiudun, Daxing Town, Du'an Yao Autonomous County on the evening of October 7th. He did not disembark until 11:00 am on the 8th and was suspected to have lost contact...

Families who lost contact with Malaysia Airlines MH370 8 years ago and gave up millions in compensation are still waiting

Families who lost contact with Malaysia Airlines MH370 8 years ago and gave up millions in compensation are still waiting

The recent "China Eastern Airlines MU5735" crash has touched the hearts of thousands of people in China.With the discovery of aircraft black boxes, it is believed that relevant data will be extracted in the near future...

The Jiaolong suddenly lost contact while diving into the depths of 7000, but was it because the divers were catching sea cucumbers?

The Jiaolong suddenly lost contact while diving into the depths of 7000, but was it because the divers were catching sea cucumbers?

On June 24, 2012, the Jiaolong successfully sank to a depth of 7020 meters in the Mariana Trench, setting a Chinese record for manned depth. However, the Chinese people are not satisfied with the 7000 meter mark and still need to pursue victory...

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi...

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

In 2014, Li Yanlin, a young man from Hebei, was sent by ZTE Company to Malaysia on a business trip.At 0:41 a...

Vision based Tactile sensor mechanism, using depth learning to estimate contact position and force distribution

Vision based Tactile sensor mechanism, using depth learning to estimate contact position and force distribution

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How are the families of Malaysia Airlines MH370 who refused 2.52 million compensation after losing contact for 9 years now?

How are the families of Malaysia Airlines MH370 who refused 2.52 million compensation after losing contact for 9 years now?

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click "Follow" and we will update you with exciting stories and share different historical moments every day!It has been 9 years since Malaysia Airlines MH370 lost contact on March 8, 2014Time will dilute public memories, but for the families of passengers on the plane at that time, they will never forget that sad moment in their lifetime.After the loss of contact with Malaysia Airlines MH370, the airline negotiated with the families of the victims,Agree on a compensation of 2...