Families who lost contact with Malaysia Airlines MH370 8 years ago and gave up millions in compensation are still waiting

The recent "China Eastern Airlines MU5735" crash has touched the hearts of thousands of people in China.With the discovery of aircraft black boxes, it is believed that relevant data will be extracted in the near future

The recent "China Eastern Airlines MU5735" crash has touched the hearts of thousands of people in China.

With the discovery of aircraft black boxes, it is believed that relevant data will be extracted in the near future.

In order to successfully uncover the cause of the plane crash, it is also the best explanation for the families of the crashed passengers and the public.

In China, not only are the relatives of the passengers involved in the China Eastern Airlines crash anxiously waiting, but there are also Malaysian Airlines planes that crashed many years ago.

Eight years ago, the "MH370" plane crash also shook the world, but compared to other crashed planes.

The "MH370" of this accident has never been found, and this kind of injury is beyond doubt for the passenger's family.

Although Malaysia Airlines filed compensation afterwards.

But there are still many people who have not accepted this generous' compensation '.

Now that 8 years have passed, how are these people doing?

Disappearing Flight

When telling the story of a family member, let's first review the plane crash that occurred 8 years ago.

At 41am on March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to fly to Beijing.

Originally, this was a flight within Asia, and the time was not long. It was originally scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 6:30 am.

This ordinary flight, unexpectedly, was a "starting point" without an end.

The plane took off smoothly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport with the sound of good morning.

But what I didn't expect was around 1:20 shortly after the flight.

The plane lost contact with the Ho Chi Minh controlled area at the intersection of Malaysia and Vietnam and disappeared from radar.

But strangely, after the plane lost contact, Malaysia did not immediately issue a statement until 2:40 pm, when the Subang Air Traffic Control Center in Malaysia confirmed that the plane could not be contacted.

Although realizing that there may be major issues with the plane, people still have a sense of luck at this time.

After all, there was no news of the plane crashing on the ground.

The Malaysia Airlines MH370 is a Boeing 777 aircraft that carries sufficient fuel.

Airplanes can fly two hours longer than normal.

But until 8:30 am, the plane still did not appear on the ground in Beijing.

This also means that the aircraft has run out of fuel.

After the incident, Malay authorities immediately sought help from the outside world, and as many as seven countries were involved in the emergency search and rescue.

China also dispatched search and rescue ships near Xisha and Haikou to participate in the search and rescue at the earliest opportunity.

But Malaysia Airlines seems to have evaporated from the human world, no matter how advanced satellite technology and detection instruments are used.

There was no trace of the plane.

Despite the significant manpower and material resources invested in this search and rescue effort.

But in the end, it had to be announced that all the passengers on the plane had died.

And for this information, perhaps the most sorrowful ones are the relatives of the crashed passengers.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 carried 227 passengers, 152 of whom were from Chinese Mainland.

Excluding the 12 staff members on the crew, it can account for almost 3/4 of the total.

These people have come to work in Malaysia, visit relatives locally, and travel locally, but without exception, they cannot return.

One passenger represents a family, and think of the 227 passengers on the entire plane.

Behind them, how many families should be fragmented and plunged into endless pain as a result.

Although in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Montreal International Convention afterwards.

Every crashed passenger can receive compensation.

Some family members did not accept it,

And I have been looking forward to the moment when my family comes back.

Unforgettable relatives

Wen Yongsheng was one of the passengers who boarded this flight that year. He came from Shandong, China, and that day was the day he ended his business trip and returned to China.

Parents who are far away in Shandong have already learned the news in advance.

But it's strange that he didn't call after the scheduled time, as he usually reports safety after getting off the plane.

The elderly couple, who had not received the call until noon, felt a bit uneasy, so they tried to call their son.

But the other side was delayed in connecting.

After several days without news of their son, the old couple couldn't sit still. They found a friend of Wen Yongsheng and tried to find news of their son, but the friend was not aware of it.

Until a few days later, the local government approached the door with a list of missing persons.

They were told that their son's plane had crashed, and according to passenger information, Wen Yongsheng boarded that flight.

The news came, and for the elderly couple, the blow was self-evident.

They couldn't believe that such a small probability event happened to their loved ones.

After the accident, they tried to understand the situation of their son's flight, but in vain.

I can't even know where the plane went. They found all the departments they could find.

The available answers are 'no results from the aircraft search'.

A month later, the lawyer from Malaysia Airlines who handled the compensation matter found them.

And hand over the already drafted compensation agreement to them, claiming that as long as they sign it, it will suffice.

You can receive millions of compensation, and your future life will be settled.

But in the face of this expensive compensation fee, the old couple didn't even glance at it.

What they want is for their son to come back, even if not, to know what the ultimate truth is.

And they believe that once they accept this compensation, it is likely that the relevant parties will not even look for it again.

This speculation is not unreasonable.

Despite various doubts, the families of the crashed passengers also gathered together to put pressure on the relevant parties.

But on July 30, 2018, Malaysia Airlines announced the termination of its search and rescue work for MH370.

But Wen Yongsheng's family still didn't give up.

Until now, his father still habitually charges a little money into his previous phone number every month.

He told reporters, 'I'm afraid one day if the child's phone runs out of power, they can contact me.'.

And if we didn't charge him, we missed it

And he also firmly believes that hope will emerge.

Like Wen Yongsheng's father, there are many others waiting for his son to return, including Li Eryou from Handan, Hebei.

He was originally just an ordinary farmer and never left Handan in his lifetime.

But since his son's accident, he has been going to Beijing every month to inquire about the latest developments of Malaysia Airlines.

In 8 years, the cost of just using it on the road is almost 20000 yuan. They are not wealthy people.

But as long as we can find the whereabouts of our son, even if we go abroad at our own expense, it's not a problem, no matter how expensive the plane ticket is.

And for the million dollar compensation from Malaysia Airlines, they also chose to refuse, the same reason being, "If we take this money, maybe our son will really not be able to find it back

And it is not only some elderly people who have changed their lives due to the departure of their loved ones, but also many children.

Xu Jinghong is one of them.

She was originally a highly educated woman with considerable temperament, but since her mother disappeared with Ma Hang 370.

She began to develop the bad habit of smoking.

In addition to developing bad habits, her personality also began to become sensitive and irritable.

My colleagues around me all say that she used to be a calm person, but now she has lost patience with her children and is prone to yelling and yelling.

She couldn't accept that a good person would just disappear.

And the pain of losing my mother also kept me immersed in it and unable to come out.

In order to counteract her inner pain, she even uses her physical pain to counteract it.

Xu Jinghong found an embroiderer and embroidered a model of the Malaysia Airlines MH370 on her most sensitive forearm.

And the nose is pointing towards her heart.

And her father also passed away a few years later due to her mother's passing.

For this reason, she always blames herself for not taking good care of her father, but everyone who knows her knows that she can't even take care of herself.

How could she take care of her father.

And among those who have lost loved ones, some mothers even die without waiting for news of their children.

A big sister from Northeast China has worked hard to raise her son alone, and after growing up, her son is also very promising and works in Singapore.

Unfortunately, on the day he returned home, he chose this flight instead.

After her son's accident, she also felt that the sky was falling.

In order to stay informed of the latest news from Malaysia Airlines, this elder sister simply rented a house in Beijing.

She has also been rushing around various departments to seek explanations, which has lasted for two years.

Unfortunately, she was later diagnosed with cancer.

But even when money was urgently needed, she did not accept compensation from Malaysia Airlines.

Without the money to see a doctor, she chose to sell her house. Unfortunately, the house had not been sold yet and she was no longer around.

And those who didn't wait for the final news were also their mother Li Xiuzhi.

Her daughter is an excellent senior translator and was originally planning to get married after returning to China this time.

Unfortunately, she had not yet entered a happy marriage, and her life came to a sudden halt.

In 2018, when Malaysia Airlines announced the cessation of the investigation, Li Xiuzhi fainted on the spot.

She still holds the note in her hand that says' Mom will always wait for you, never give up '.

Not long after, she also passed away and went down to the ground to reunite with her daughter.

Similarly, Jiang Hui also lost her mother and changed her life trajectory.

Jiang Hui used to be an excellent workplace manager. In the eyes of others, he was capable and ambitious, always immersed in his work, and had a high income. Many people envied his mother for having such a capable son.

My mother likes traveling, and originally, Jiang Hui had already taken time out to accompany her on a trip.

But unexpectedly, the company came up with a new project, so he had no choice but to send his mother on the plane alone.

And this was the last time the mother and son met.

When the news of the plane crash on which her mother was riding came, Jiang Hui immediately took a long vacation and embarked on a journey to find her mother.

But due to being absent from the company for a long time, the unit eventually dismissed him.

At this moment, Jiang Hui also felt relaxed. He used to be busy all the time.

He didn't even have the opportunity to accompany his mother on a trip, and now he finally has time, but losing his mother alone is a major regret.

During the process of searching for her mother, Jiang Hui searched for relevant books online.

Hardly cultivated oneself from a novice to a half aviation expert.

And he also took the lead in establishing the Malaysia Airlines victim family group, and as a representative, raised professional questions and questioned relevant parties multiple times at the press conference.

As time and time again unknown news came, the emotions of Jiang Hui and his family members were like a roller coaster, rising and falling again and again.

But in the end, it sank like a stone in the vast sea without any sound.

The final answer

Eight years have passed, and Malaysia Airlines still touches thousands of people around the world who cherish their lives. For these families, it is a lifelong shadow that cannot be erased.

And the evidence that has been constantly emerging over the years suggests that Malaysia Airlines has indeed crashed.

People probably won't have too many questions about this result. After all, those who are immersed in fantasies have already recognized the reality of plane crashes.

But the main doubts of these families are concentrated during the period of the plane crash, and the performance of the relevant parties is worthy of suspicion.

For example, the plane had already disappeared from the radar at 1:21 am, why didn't it last until 2:40 am.

The relevant authorities only announced that the plane had lost contact, and what happened in the intervening hour or so?

Secondly, the Malaysian Civil Aviation Authority revealed on the 9th.

Radar records indicate that the Malaysia Airlines MH370, which was lost, may have experienced a turn back midway, and the fact that the aircraft had a turn back during flight is itself questionable.

But although the relevant parties have revealed this news, they have not yet waited for a response from the investigation team.

On the 11th thereafter, Malaysian media quoted Daud as saying.

The Malaysian Air Force radar once detected that Flight MH370 was flying over the Strait of Malacca, but then disappeared near Perak Island at 2:40.

And Malacca is up to 500 kilometers away from the key search and rescue area at the time of the incident, and if that is the case, it is expected that the wreckage of the plane cannot be found.

According to a report by the Wall Street Journal in the United States, after the plane disappeared from radar, it even continued to fly for four hours. The reason given is that based on data automatically downloaded from the engine of the Boeing 777 and sent to the ground, the plane flew for a total of five hours.

Although afterwards, the Malaysian side replied that this report was untrue.

But the first report released by the relevant authorities until 7:24 am still makes many family members feel that there is suspicion of intentional delay in the report?

All these questions, these families have not received reliable responses, and this is also the biggest aspect of their dissatisfaction.

The final outcome cannot be changed, but these relatives have the right to know the ultimate truth, and this is also the best explanation given to them.


Life is impermanent, and everyone in this world must experience something.

But no matter what, we must learn to live strong.

Perhaps our deceased loved ones in heaven will also hope that the living can live a good life.

Cherish the other loved ones around you, integrate into a new life, and strive to eat every meal well. Perhaps, this is the meaning of life.

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