Discovery of the 41st New Species of

Discovery of the 41st New Species of "Yellow Danxia Bacillus" in Danxia Mountain, Guangdong Province

Shaoguan, China News Agency, October 10th (Reporter Wang Jian) According to the Danxia Mountain Management Committee in Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province on the 10th, the 41st new species - the first new genus level species of bacteria - has been discovered in Danxia Mountain, and it has been named Danxia Yellow Bacillus.Professor Li Wenjun's team members conducted soil sample collection work in Danxia Mountain...

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation "Paradox", New Discoveries in this Study

Recently, the research team of the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences explored the relationship between carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from the perspective of "energy consumption" of biological nitrogen fixation. The reporter learned that this study further reveals the relationship between organic carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from an energy perspective, which helps to understand the "paradox" of nitrogen enriched ecosystems fixing exogenous nitrogen...

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, but upon returning, it discovered something was wrong

In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, but upon returning, it discovered something was wrong

Literature | History Charging StationEditor | Cultural and Historical Charging StationFlying to space has always been a dream for humanity, but it was not possible to achieve it due to technological means until the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, when there was a turning point.In 1961, the United States sent a chimpanzee into space, and what was even more exciting was that the chimpanzee returned to Earth alive, even bouncing around...

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

Source: Guizhou DailyRecently,The astronomical data processing team led by Professor Xie Xiaoyao from Guizhou Normal University at the Key Laboratory of Information and Computational Sciences in Guizhou Province has discovered a new case of rapid radio burst named FRB20200317A using China's Tianyan FAST.The relevant results were released to international peers on September 23, 2023 through the Astronomer's Telegram...

Chinese scientists discover strategic metal minerals

Chinese scientists discover strategic metal minerals

Source: CCTV News Weibo...

(Technology) New Research Discovers the Deep Pathogenic Mechanism of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease

(Technology) New Research Discovers the Deep Pathogenic Mechanism of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease

Jerusalem, October 5th (Xinhua) - The Israeli Institute of Technology recently released a statement stating that an international team led by its researchers has found that the accumulation of toxic proteins in the brain of sporadic Alzheimer's disease patients is related to the failure of protein clearance mechanisms, and targeting specific proteins may alleviate the disease. The relevant paper was published in the UK journal Nature Communications...

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yet

Do you want to answer phone calls? It's really practical to teach you not to shut down or hack, and not to be discovered by the other party yetThe popularity and convenience of mobile phones have made them an indispensable part of our daily lives. However, sometimes we may not want to answer certain calls, but we do not want to take extreme shutdown or blackout actions...

Suddenly, at 12:10 on September 18th, a special aircraft with a special trajectory was discovered over the northern Yellow Sea

Suddenly, at 12:10 on September 18th, a special aircraft with a special trajectory was discovered over the northern Yellow Sea

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Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:19 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos E'enye 2 Well723E'enye 2 Well51000E'enye 2 Well250051117001800405/1000Rock core immersion experimentAnalytical Gas Combustion ExperimentThe relevant person in charge of the Provincial Geological Survey Institute evaluated that the exploration results of this well can be extended to the northern areas of Enshi City City, Jianshi County and other places with the same geological structure. It is predicted that the Shale gas resources in this area are about 400 billion cubic meters, with a potential economic value of more than one trillion yuan...

The First Discovery of Dinosaur Egg fossil Fossils in Heyuan Dengta Basin

The First Discovery of Dinosaur Egg fossil Fossils in Heyuan Dengta Basin

On site investigation by researchersYangcheng Evening News reporter Wu Yizhen, correspondent Yang Xiaoli and Wen Yuyue photographed and reported that on the afternoon of the 21st, the reporter learned from the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum that dinosaur Egg fossil were first found in the Heyuan Lighthouse Basin. At present, the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum has contacted relevant experts for further research...

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

Scientific researchers show new nickel based High-temperature superconductivity materialsProfessor Wang Meng (middle) and team studentsYangcheng Evening News reporter Chen LiangOn July 12, the international academic journal Nature published the scientific achievement led by Professor Wang Meng of Sun Yat-sen University: the first discovery of nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature. This is a new High-temperature superconductivity system first discovered by Chinese scientists in the world...