Urban Highway Hidden Underground | Discovering the Great Bay Area

Urban Highway Hidden Underground | Discovering the Great Bay Area

|Greater Bay Area Synthetic Biology Laboratory|Controversy over the safety of chemically synthesized pigmentsHigh cost of natural pigmentsHow can biosynthetic pigments break through?Everything can be AICan artificial intelligence really design proteins?These cutting-edge achievements in Synthetic biologyIs being implemented in a location in the Greater Bay AreaAs a representative discipline of biotechnology and information Technological convergenceSynthetic biology is considered the futureOne of the disruptive technologies.At the Shenzhen Engineering Biology Industry Innovation CenterA large numberResearchers from startups in the Greater Bay AreaIs it cheaper than natural pigments? More environmentally friendly than chemically synthesized pigments?Biosynthetic pigments stand out in a variety of pigment production industries!Becoming a new trend in the development of pigment production industry?Yuan Xiaoli:Since entering human civilization, we have experienced several forms of civilizationAgricultural Civilization PeriodHuman beings obtain material and energy mainly through Natural product; After entering the industrial civilization, due to technological progress, people synthesized a lot of substances and energy through chemistry...

China Telecom's Newly Appointed Vice President Luan Xiaowei: Recent Secrets Revealed: Publicly Appearing but Few People Discovered

China Telecom's Newly Appointed Vice President Luan Xiaowei: Recent Secrets Revealed: Publicly Appearing but Few People Discovered

Operator Finance Wu Bihui/WenIt has been several months since Luan Xiaowei was promoted to the position of Deputy General Manager of China Telecom Group, and he has only recently made a comprehensive appearance. What has he done recently? Next, the operator Caijing Network will also attempt to provide an introduction...

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

In today's interconnected global economy, the issue of resource allocation and sharing has become one of the focuses of international attention.As the world's second largest economy and resource rich country, China's influence and strength in resource development and utilization have attracted much attention!However, recently, China has excavated a large amount of metal salts in the Qinghai region, and the United States, after learning about this, wanted metal salts and subsequently accused China,Saying that China wants to become hegemonic...

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Chang Lei, professor and doctoral supervisor of Suzhou University, is committed to the cross research of Radiobiology and biomechanics. Its research direction focuses on the role of radiation and mechanical microenvironment in tumorigenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, the impact of Micro-g environment and ionizing radiation on embryonic development, and the role of Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis...


The "super coalfield" discovered in China covers an area close to Taiwan Province Province. Where is its location?

FuyunEditor | Commentary on HistoryAs a fossil fuel, coal has a wide range of uses and is indispensable in our life. The common roles of coal include power generation, Steam locomotive, metallurgy, industrial boiler and daily life...

Why did the United States land on the moon so many times but never discover a

Why did the United States land on the moon so many times but never discover a "reservoir" on the moon in China?

In 2016, China's Chang'e 3 probe released the latest scientific research results, which proved for the first time that there is no water on the moon. But seven years later, China's latest Chang'e 5 probe revealed another new discovery - a new "reservoir" on the moon...

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Do you know? By pressing this switch on WeChat, you can directly create photos into videos, as well as add music and text, which is both beautiful and advanced! Hello friends, I am Xiaojun, a blogger who focuses on knowledge sharing. When we play WeChat, do we usually like to post or browse our social media? When we browse our social media, we often find that many people's social media posts have a video style, music, and subtitles, which are very beautiful...


The "Chinese Eye of Heaven" has once again made a world-class discovery!

What is Chinese Tianyan?China's Tianyan, officially known as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), is the world's largest and most sensitive Radio telescope, and also the largest single aperture and most sensitive Radio telescope in China's scientific and technological history.Located in the invisible valley of Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China's Tianyan covers about 30 football fields and is composed of 4450 triangular reflectors, which can cover the whole southern hemisphere sky...

A large number of suspicious Americans were discovered at Shanghai Airport, and after security checks intercepted and opened the boxes, a loss of 34 million yuan was avoided

A large number of suspicious Americans were discovered at Shanghai Airport, and after security checks intercepted and opened the boxes, a loss of 34 million yuan was avoided

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As a gift for his wife, he discovered an

As a gift for his wife, he discovered an "outrageous" issue

Mr. Meng reported that at the end of December last year, he bought a Dyson hair dryer on Taobao and spent over 2000 yuan as a gift for his wife...