Observation | In the era of widespread application of AI, how can enterprises avoid

Observation | In the era of widespread application of AI, how can enterprises avoid "speaking better than doing"

At the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition (TechG), several professionals in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) stated that AI is becoming an indispensable core element in smart life, and how to use AI to achieve enterprise intelligence has become the most concerned topic in various fields.This exhibition brings together nearly 200 technology companies from over 10 countries and regions...

By doing so, WeChat will not be cancelled!

By doing so, WeChat will not be cancelled!

WeChat has not been used for a long time, "making it on the hot search.In response, Tencent customer service stated that WeChat signals used for normal login will not be recycled by the system...

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

In 2014, Li Yanlin, a young man from Hebei, was sent by ZTE Company to Malaysia on a business trip.At 0:41 a...

Do you think it's okay to quietly watch 'yellow websites'? Actually, countless people know what you're doing

Do you think it's okay to quietly watch 'yellow websites'? Actually, countless people know what you're doing
