Now it's

Now it's "earned" again! A "Giant Treasure" Discovered in Sichuan, Foreign Media: What Does China Need

Discovery of Giant Treasures in Sichuan: Rhenium Mining has attracted global attention. China has achieved tremendous development in the past 70 years, with an economic growth rate of over 10% for 40 consecutive years, becoming an unprecedented and unprecedented dark horse...

Interview | Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry Comes to Wuhan Again 11 Years Later: Wuhan is developing rapidly, and the scientists here are full of vitality

Interview | Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry Comes to Wuhan Again 11 Years Later: Wuhan is developing rapidly, and the scientists here are full of vitality

On October 13th, the 2023 International Photochemical Technology and Industry Conference concluded in Wuhan. At the closing ceremony of the conference, Benjamin Liszt, winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, gave a keynote speech on "Organic Catalysts of Human Society"...

Today's Hot List | China's First Time! Good news from Jilin Changguang Satellite again!

Today's Hot List | China's First Time! Good news from Jilin Changguang Satellite again!

Source: [Jilin Network, China]Wednesday, October 12th.Today, let's take a look at what major events in Jilin Province are worth paying attention to...

Are 7 astronauts in danger? The International Space Station has leaked again! Can the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft be used for rescue

Are 7 astronauts in danger? The International Space Station has leaked again! Can the Shenzhou 17 spacecraft be used for rescue

The International Space Station is having problems again! According to information released by the Russian Space Agency, on Monday, a coolant leak occurred in the multi-functional experimental module of the Russian "Science" spacecraft connected to the International Space Station, with a large amount of coolant sprayed into outer space from the spare radiator pipeline.At that time, NASA staff called out to the astronauts of the International Space Station, asking them to look out of the station's window and see if there were snowflake like objects floating outside...

Is it better to charge your phone with half of its battery remaining, or is it better to charge it again when it's almost dead? Why?

Is it better to charge your phone with half of its battery remaining, or is it better to charge it again when it's almost dead? Why?

Wen | Whale Exploration OfficeEditor | Whale Exploration AgencyJust charge up and go outThis sentence must be very familiar to everyone.Before we go out, we usually check the battery level of our phones first,Some people feel insecure when their phones are not fully charged and they go out...

Gene editing enables chickens to gain resistance to avian influenza

Gene editing enables chickens to gain resistance to avian influenza

According to a biotechnology concept validation study published on the 10th in Nature Communications, scientists have successfully developed chickens with partial resistance to avian influenza using gene editing technology.Scientists have edited the ANP32A gene in chicken germ cells to limit the activity of influenza A...

Just now there was news! Middle East shock! Saudi Arabia joins the Israeli-Kazakhstan War, and the situation escalates once again!

Just now there was news! Middle East shock! Saudi Arabia joins the Israeli-Kazakhstan War, and the situation escalates once again!

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Choosing appliances again, I swear I will never buy these

Choosing appliances again, I swear I will never buy these "6 types of appliances", not to criticize, but to have had enough of them

To be honest, I have been pondering for a long time about writing this article on how to avoid pitfalls in household appliances. The main reason is that telling the truth may offend a group of home appliance manufacturers, and as a home decoration blogger, it is ultimately unfavorable...

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and its flooding has always been a headache for the Sudanese government. Every year during the rainy season, the Nile River floods due to abundant rainfall, causing a large area of land in Sudan to be submerged, seriously affecting the lives and agricultural production of the local people...

If you choose air conditioning again, it is recommended to listen to these suggestions, which are both convenient to use and do not waste too much money

If you choose air conditioning again, it is recommended to listen to these suggestions, which are both convenient to use and do not waste too much money

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorFor everyone, when choosing electricity, everyone will be particularly cautious. After all, electricity represents a major expense and is also a durable item,So whether the purchase is appropriate is not only related to the investment cost, but also to the user experience...

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic. mp32:18From Xiaoping Ai InventoryNobel Prize judges overlook China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemicOutstanding Achievements in Epidemic Prevention and Control in ChinaIn our countryFight against the COVID-19We have achievedA decisive victoryBecoming a global focusEpidemic prevention model...

Exposed that the Meituan riders rebelled against the

Exposed that the Meituan riders rebelled against the "Overlord Clause" and took orders recklessly before canceling their account. Meituan customer service: Under verification

In response to the resistance of Meituan's delivery riders, they made every effort to snatch 253 orders in just four hours, and then chose to pick up meals and deliver them in place. Although this brought some troubles to consumers and businesses, the reasons behind it highlighted their dissatisfaction with Meituan and their willingness to call for improvement...