Last year's revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the highest increase on the first day of IPO was only 1.67%. There are many worries behind the listing of Jitu | IPO Observation

Last year's revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the highest increase on the first day of IPO was only 1.67%. There are many worries behind the listing of Jitu | IPO Observation

Author | Chen SiyuanEditor | Yuan SilaiAfter waiting for 3 months, on October 27th, Jitu finally officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The announcement shows that the company issued 326...

5896 meters! Construction of the highest altitude meteorological station in the Kunlun Mountains

5896 meters! Construction of the highest altitude meteorological station in the Kunlun Mountains

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Lu Chengkuan) The reporter learned from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that the scientific research team composed of the Institute and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Meteorological Bureau recently built a multi factor automatic weather station in Wolonggang, 5896 meters above sea level in the Kunlun Mountains. Wolonggang is located between the northern Tibetan Plateau and the Kunlun Mountains...

The highest honor! China Chang'e-5 team won international awards

The highest honor! China Chang'e-5 team won international awards

Source: China Economic Network WeChatRecently, NASA announced that at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, the Chinese Chang'e-5 team won the Lawrence Team Award, which is the highest team honor of the International Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics. At this conference, the National Space Administration announced that the Chang'e-5 lunar research sample will be open for international application, and scientists from all countries are welcome to study together and share the results...

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

On July 12, the 33rd International Geochemistry Conference was held in Lyon, France. Academician Xie Shucheng, academician of the CAS Member and director of the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), won the Alfred Tribbs Award, the highest award in the field of international Organic geochemistry, in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of geological lipid molecules and isotopes...

A professor from Wujiang, Suzhou has won the highest academic honor in Europe!

A professor from Wujiang, Suzhou has won the highest academic honor in Europe!

recentlyEuropean Academy of Natural Sciences(EuropaischeAkademieDerNaturwissenschaften) announcedShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)Dean of School of Computer Science and Control engineeringLecture ProfessorPan Yi from Wujiang, Suzhoube elected as2023European Academy of Natural SciencesEuropean Academy of Natural SciencesHannoverEuropean Academy of Natural Sciencesforty035European Academy of Natural Sciencesbe elected asAcademician of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, foreign academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, and academician of the European Academy of Science and ArtsShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)withMore than 250 SCI journal academic papersMore than 100 of them have been published in top academic journals such as IEEE/ACMTransactions/Journals. He also edited and published itfortyMultiple books and academic achievements have been cited20 thousandThe current H-index is 90...

Xie Shucheng, Academician of GDU, won the highest international Organic geochemistry award, the first time a Chinese scientist won this award

Xie Shucheng, Academician of GDU, won the highest international Organic geochemistry award, the first time a Chinese scientist won this award

Hubei Daily (Reporter Zhang Xin, Correspondent Liu Deng, Wang Junfang) On July 12, the 33rd International Geochemistry Conference was held in Lyon, France. Xie Shucheng, academician of the CAS Member and director of the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), won the Alfred Tribbs Award, the highest award in the field of international Organic geochemistry...

The highest altitude in the world! The Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project has entered the construction phase

The highest altitude in the world! The Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project has entered the construction phase

Prepare the rotary drilling rig, excavate! "The person in charge of the work ordered, and the rotary drilling bit began to dig downwards. At the construction site, various construction machinery roared, and the pilot construction of the first tower foundation for the Sichuan section of the Jinshang Hubei UHV project was in full swing...

Which phone has the highest cost-effectiveness with a price of around 3000? Top 10 mobile phone rankings for around 3000 yuan

Which phone has the highest cost-effectiveness with a price of around 3000? Top 10 mobile phone rankings for around 3000 yuan

Around 3000 yuan, there are still many mobile phones to choose from. Let me take a look at the ten most popular mobile phones under 3500...

GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 7th (Reporter Huang Xinyi Intern Reporter Zhu Ling)Today, the 2023 college entrance examination officially begins. Among them, the Chinese language test papers in Shanghai adopt independent proposition...

1 trillion dollars! The world's highest market value chip company has been born, close to two TSMC! Why did it win the big trend?

1 trillion dollars! The world's highest market value chip company has been born, close to two TSMC! Why did it win the big trend?

Edited by: Cheng Peng, Gai YuanyuanBefore the US stock market on May 30th,Nvidia's market value broke through trillions of dollars, becoming the first chip company in the history of the US stock market to reach a market value of $1 trillion, creating history.Image source: First FinancialIn the recent wave of artificial intelligence, NVIDIA is undoubtedly at the forefront of the trend, with its momentum even surpassing ChatGPT's owner Microsoft recently...