IPhone 15 series fully exposed! Is 618 an iPhone 14 or a squat 15?

IPhone 15 series fully exposed! Is 618 an iPhone 14 or a squat 15?

I don't know whether to start with iPhone 14 now or wait for iPhone 15 friends to read it!If nothing unexpected, the eagerly anticipated iPhone 15 series will officially debut at Apple's autumn launch in September this year.However, many revelations and predictions from the gods now, such as the CAD rendering of Apple 15, have shown us the shape of Apple 15 and some updates made this year before the press conference...

IPhone 15 fully exposed, A17 chip+8GB memory, and USB-C interface

IPhone 15 fully exposed, A17 chip+8GB memory, and USB-C interface

The Apple WWDC2023 keynote speech is about to begin. At this event, you may see Apple's first MR headworn device, RealityPro, larger screen MacBookAir, Apple's virtual reality system xrOS, as well as a series of new operating systems such as iOS17, iPadOS17, macOS14, and watchOS10...

Get started with four models of the Apple iPhone 15 series

Get started with four models of the Apple iPhone 15 series

On May 27th, IT Home reported that according to a model obtained by foreign technology media MacRumors from accessory manufacturers,I shared the hands-on experience of four models: iPhone 15, iPhone 15Plus, iPhone 15Pro, and iPhone 15ProMax. Before releasing the new iPhone, Apple usually provides detailed data to accessory manufacturers in advance, which has become one of the sources of related information leakage...