The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicits opinions on the proposal for the establishment of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicits opinions on the proposal for the establishment of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)

According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on September 18th, the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on the "Preparation Plan for the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Draft for Soliciting Opinions)".According to the solicitation draft, the scope of work of the Metaverse Standardization Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology includes:The post establishment work plan is:...

How impressive is the Chinese style

How impressive is the Chinese style "dark web" social work library? Can I find all your information using only your phone number?

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Wearing stockings and waiting for me

Wearing stockings and waiting for me ", the work group is displaying indecent information! The company claims to have been invaded by a virus, but network security experts say it is unlikely

On July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted widespread attention.A screenshot of the online chat shows that at 10:07 pm, a person named "Provincial Government Office" sent three indecent messages in a row: "Has your husband gone out yet?" "Wait for me to go to your house?" "Wear stockings and wait for me...

How to promote information security and password applications in various industries? The

How to promote information security and password applications in various industries? The "Technology Afternoon Tea" event in Pudong has been clarified

Recently, the Pudong New Area Science and Technology Afternoon Tea event was held with the theme of "consolidating data security in various fields and promoting password application security construction". The event was co sponsored by Big data Center in Pudong New Area, Shanghai Digital Industry Development Co...

WeChat group suddenly revealed

WeChat group suddenly revealed "flirtatious" information, official: Chinese virus, netizen: Don't say it too early

On the morning of July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted attention.CoquettishHas your husband left yetWait, I'll go to your houseWear stockings and wait for me...

The account of the

The account of the "Provincial Government Office" sent indecent information, and the group building unit: virus invasion, has been reported!

In our daily lives, WeChat has become an important tool for communication and exchange. However, a recent incident involving the release of indecent information on the WeChat group of the Hunan Provincial Government Office has given us a new understanding of the issue of network security...

Is the

Is the "Provincial Government Office" posting indecent information on WeChat groups? Group building unit: Virus intrusion, alarm triggered

On the morning of July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted attention.The screenshot shows that there are a total of 304 people in a WeChat group called "Hunan Provincial Unit Asset System Technical Support Group"...

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

Recently, 'If WeChat shows read' has made it to the hot search and sparked discussions among netizens,Most netizens hold a negative attitude towards this.Netizen "Tuyi Le Ha" bluntly stated that if WeChat shows that they have read, they will be "sentenced" by their friends because they do not reply to messages but forget to reply...

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) may investigate OpenAI, the developer of the Chatbot ChatGPT, on consumer protection issues.On July 13 local time, CNN reported that the Federal Trade Commission of the United States was investigating whether OpenAI violated consumer protection laws, and asked OpenAI to provide a large number of records about the possibility of its processing personal data, providing inaccurate information to users, and "the risk of damage to consumers (including reputation damage)"...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's internet business revenue of enterprises above designated size increased by 2.8% year-on-year

On July 3rd, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the operation of the Internet and related service industries from January to May 2023.According to data, from January to May, China's Internet and related service enterprise 1 (hereinafter referred to as Internet Enterprise 1) achieved internet business revenue of 531 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Dividing the 6GHz frequency band for the IMT system

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Dividing the 6GHz frequency band for the IMT system

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 29, it was reported that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released the Regulations of the China on Radio Frequency Division (Order No. 62 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, hereinafter referred to as the "Division Regulations"), which revised the current "Division Regulations"...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's software business revenue reached 4323.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.3%

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: From January to May, China's software business revenue reached 4323.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.3%

On June 26th, according to the official report of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, from January to May 2023, China's software and information technology service industry (hereinafter referred to as the software industry) operated steadily and improved, with software business revenue accelerating growth, total profit maintaining double-digit growth, and software business export growth slightly decreasing.Specifically, from January to May, China's software business revenue reached 4323...