Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

recentlyNihon Keizai Shimbun reported thatReport forecast released by Mizuho Bank in JapanSmartphones will disappear by 2050According to this reportSmartphones are now available worldwideThe penetration rate is 65%And this numberWill decrease to 60% by 2030By 2050, it will decrease to 0%So, smartphonesMay the future disappear?If it disappears, it may appear againWhat kind of new communication tool?Smartphones enter the "three phase" superposition stageIt has been half a century since the birth of the world's first mobile phone. Over the past half century, with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, mobile phones have increasingly become an indispensable part of human daily life...

Common measurement methods for wafers (4);

Common measurement methods for wafers (4);

1. Atomic force microscopeAFM is a device that uses van der Waals forces to measure objects...

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WeChat hidden rules ": several annoying chat methods, I hope you don't have any of them

In the adult world, interpersonal relationships are actually very subtle.Some people chat enthusiastically online, but when they meet offline, they stutter and feel awkward, as if the air is still...

When charging, plug in the phone or charger first? These wrong charging methods can cause the phone to break down quickly!

When charging, plug in the phone or charger first? These wrong charging methods can cause the phone to break down quickly!

For many people in modern society, the amount of battery left on their mobile phones is a 'life threatening' issue.The strong demand for mobile phone charging has also given rise to many gimmicks on the market: wireless charging, double speed charging, and high-energy power banks that can be used continuously for a week...