Li Kaifu personally released the big model, with a valuation of $1 billion within 8 months of the company's establishment

Li Kaifu personally released the big model, with a valuation of $1 billion within 8 months of the company's establishment

Li Kaifu, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works.On November 6th, the artificial intelligence company "Zero One Everything" (01...

Gradually frozen person Cai Lei said that in a few months, he may become speechless and no longer strive to embrace his family and friends

Gradually frozen person Cai Lei said that in a few months, he may become speechless and no longer strive to embrace his family and friends

according to@Pear VideoReported: Cai Lei, a proponent of Alzheimer's disease and former vice president of, said that he realized four years ago that he would lose the ability to hug in the later stages of his illness...

The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

After 15 months, reality hit Yu Minhong hard, and Dong Yuhui once again proved that he was only the one who was angry

After 15 months, reality hit Yu Minhong hard, and Dong Yuhui once again proved that he was only the one who was angry

Copy | Aquatic SmokerEditor | Aquatic SmokerprefaceOn September 17th, following Dongfang Zhen's anchor Li Zhongcan's "mocking of the September 18 incident", which plunged Dongfang Zhen and Yu Minhong into a public opinion storm, Dong Yuhui once again took the lead, bringing the number of online users in the live broadcast room to over 200000.Watching Dong Yuhui stand in the live broadcast room, chatting about history and culture, it's like dreaming back to the moment 15 months ago when everyone placed an order for Dong Yuhui's talent and passion...

Every 6 months in the future? Research points out that each person is infected 2-3 times a year or becomes normal!

Every 6 months in the future? Research points out that each person is infected 2-3 times a year or becomes normal!

On June 13, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission released the epidemic situation in the 23rd week. From June 5 to 11, Beijing reported 16 969 cases of 14 Notifiable disease, and 5 deaths...

Is Honor 80 worth buying? After experiencing for 3 months, it was found that the advantages and disadvantages were obvious

Is Honor 80 worth buying? After experiencing for 3 months, it was found that the advantages and disadvantages were obvious

Friends who enjoy taking photos know that in recent years, Huawei and Honor have always been excellent in the field of mobile photography, such as Honor 80. Although its performance is relatively ordinary, its highly destructive main camera with 160 million pixels has suddenly stimulated many consumers' desire to buy...