Do you know how difficult it is to grab? Huawei Mate60RS extraordinary master evaluation

Do you know how difficult it is to grab? Huawei Mate60RS extraordinary master evaluation

What is an extraordinary master? At the Huawei Autumn New Product Launch, Mr. Andy Lau effectively explained the significance of "extraordinary master"...

Another e-commerce platform crashed, and customers cried,

Another e-commerce platform crashed, and customers cried, "I lost all the down payment I left for my child

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Uncover the secret, Huawei's incentive mechanism! That's what they call incentive mechanisms, you're just talking nonsense!

Uncover the secret, Huawei's incentive mechanism! That's what they call incentive mechanisms, you're just talking nonsense!

The essence of motivation is the hard work of employees for a certain benefit and personal dignity. When employees face pressure, motivation positively affects their work attitude...

Would 6999 be too cheap? Is Honor MagicVs2 worth buying? Understand the highlights and shortcomings of one article

Would 6999 be too cheap? Is Honor MagicVs2 worth buying? Understand the highlights and shortcomings of one article

I don't know what's going on with the recent Honor. It seems that it's getting involved with the folding screen...

Expert: Adapting to aging transformation, not just adding handrails

Expert: Adapting to aging transformation, not just adding handrails

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2022, there were 280 million elderly people aged 60 and above in China, accounting for 19.8%, while the population aged 65 and above exceeded 200 million, accounting for 14%...

What is the level of high-level driving assistance worth over 100000 yuan? Galaxy L7 Asian Games Phantom Edition High Speed NOA Experience

What is the level of high-level driving assistance worth over 100000 yuan? Galaxy L7 Asian Games Phantom Edition High Speed NOA Experience

The material of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

Global Artificial Intelligence Index Country Ranking Announcement: China is second, South Korea is only sixth

According to foreign media reports, the South Korean Federation of Industries (FKI) recently released the results of the Global Artificial Intelligence Index, which compares the levels of artificial intelligence industries in various countries. The United States and China occupy a dominant position in the field of artificial intelligence, forming a "two military competition"...

Within 48 hours, China announced multiple heavyweight technological achievements involving four major fields, with Huawei making great contributions

Within 48 hours, China announced multiple heavyweight technological achievements involving four major fields, with Huawei making great contributions

The chain reaction brought by Huawei's announcement of its new mobile phone is becoming increasingly prominent, and China has since released multiple heavyweight technological achievements. It should be noted that in the face of great external pressure in the field of science and technology, the new breakthroughs made by the Chinese scientific and technological community in four major fields are truly inspiring to Chinese people...

The Interleaving of Reality and Fantasy: The Technological Ethics Storm Caused by Jiaowa

The Interleaving of Reality and Fantasy: The Technological Ethics Storm Caused by Jiaowa

In this rapidly developing technological era, artificial intelligence and biomimetic humans are gradually becoming the focus of discussion. In recent years, a series of film and television works represented by "Black Mirror" and "Western World" have emerged in Europe and America, deeply exploring the mysteries of this field...

More than 20 students from different countries gather on the west coast of Qingdao to learn and exchange marine science and technology

More than 20 students from different countries gather on the west coast of Qingdao to learn and exchange marine science and technology

Reporter Xu RunjieOn October 16, 2023, the "Marine Science and Technology" 2023 training course of the China International Seabed Authority Joint Training and Research Center was held in the West Coast New Area of Qingdao. It is reported that this training course lasts for a total of 12 days and is taught by more than 20 experts from the International Seabed Authority and China through various forms, both offline and online, providing training to 25 students from 21 developing countries...

Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

According to the Tianyancha App, Wuhan Deli Technology Co., Ltd...

Breaking through the 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology, Jinan University team assists in the development of the optical communication industry

Breaking through the 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology, Jinan University team assists in the development of the optical communication industry

Reporter Yin Mingliang, Correspondent Liu KekeLiu ZheRecently, Professor Liu Hong from the Frontier Cross Science Research Institute of Jinan University updated this message on his Moments: After nearly a year of research and dozens of rounds of exploration, Dehui and his friends have finally mastered the perfect 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology. Assist in the preparation of large-sized lithium niobate thin films, promote the development of optoelectronic integrated devices, and achieve a full chain breakthrough in China's new generation information industry...